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[log in to unmask] (Matthias Klaes)
Fri Mar 31 17:19:13 2006
text/plain (27 lines)
----------------- HES POSTING ----------------- 
Following up on Peter Boettke's and Ross Emmett's posts on tracing  
the first contacts between Knight and Boulding:   
The undergraduate paper from Boulding's Oxford days which Peter  
refers to is Boulding, KE (1932): "The Place of the "Displacement  
Cost" Concept in Economic Theory", EJ 42: 137-141 (March issue)   
In an autobiographical statement, Boulding recalls in that context:  
"When I got to Chicago [ie fall 1932?, MK] I sent a reprint of this  
article to Frank Knight, who sent back a note saying, "Professor Knight  
thanks Mr. Boulding for his paper, which he thinks is as wrong and  
confused as it is possible to be." That got our relationship off on a  
very good level, and I became very fond of him." (in M. Szenberg  
1992: _Eminent Economists_, CUP, pbk. 1993, p. 72). Ross, have you  
found this note in the Knight papers? It might predate the one you refer  
to, of Dec. 1933.   
btw: has a nice site on Boulding, incl.  
what seems to be a complete list of publications.   
Matthias Klaes 
------------ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ------------ 
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