Dear all,
Hope the call for papers below is of interest to
you. The Human Development Perspective is
completing 20 years in 2010 and there is great
institutional motivation to see it in a historical perspective. Kind regards,
Flavio Comim
St Edmund's College, University of Cambridge, UK -28 and 29 January 2010
The Von Hugel Institute/Capability and Sustainability Network, University of
Cambridge, in collaboration with the United Nations Development
Programme/HDRO, invites researchers from different disciplines and parts of
the world to submit papers on the history of Human Development and its
future prospects. The general aim of this workshop is twofold: to stimulate
further understanding of the last twenty years of the Human Development
perspective and to examine proposals for improving its future prospects.
Papers examining the following topics are especially welcome, namely:
1. The added-value of the Human Development Approach, in comparison to
past and contemporary perspectives, such as Basic Needs, Happiness,
Sustainable Development or Participatory approaches, among others.
2. Measuring human development through quantitative indices, such as the
HDI, HPIs, GEM and GDI, as well as proposals for new indicators.
3. Assessment of progress in human development in the world over the past
fifty years.
4. The policy implications of the human development approach, with
particular emphasis on how adopting an HD approach affects the design of
development strategies.
5. What should policies for human development look like in the
Twenty-First Century? What should be the role of international
organizations in fostering human development?
The workshop will consist of two key-note addresses delivered by Dr
Francisco Rodríguez, Head of Research of the Human Development Report Office
(UNDP) and by Sir Richard Jolly, accompanied by a number of sessions to
discuss the issues raised above.
The deadline for submission of paper proposals is *21 DECEMBER 2009 *and
full papers will be due on *21 JANUARY 2010 *.
Paper proposals should include the title of the paper, a summary of no more
than 1000 words and postal and e-mail addresses. Proposals should be sent to
Flavio Comim ([log in to unmask]).
The papers will be assessed by a Scientific Committee. Notice of acceptance
of papers will be sent by 29 DECEMBER 2010.
Full fee: £120
Reduced rate: £ 45 for students
The conference fee includes lunches, dinners, refreshments served at breaks
during the two days of the conference and access to papers.
Seven bursars of US$ 300, kindly offered by UNDP/HDRO, will be available for
accepted proposals from developing countries, which will also be free of
workshop fees. People who wish to be considered for those funds should apply
at the submission of their paper proposals. Accommodation in College rooms
and hotels, charged separately from conference fees, will also be