Conference Update
Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections
August 19-20, 2019 --
Overland Park, KS, Kansas City Metro area -- USA
Registration deadline: August 2 (Seats are limited this year, register soon!)
NEDCC has presented this unique educational conference in different locations around the country since 2008, and has presented training on the evolving field of digital preservation since 1996. The two days of focused instruction give you the foundation needed to be an effective steward of digital collections. The Digital Directions conference is geared toward professionals at archives, libraries, museums, historical organizations, government agencies, corporate archives, and other organizations that steward digital collections. Students are also welcome, and a discounted registration rate is available. Limited # of student scholarships available.
--- Make useful connections with colleagues, conference faculty, and NEDCC Preservation Services Staff
--- Gain an understanding of the major considerations for planning and implementing a digital collections project or program
--- Fill in the gaps of your digital preservation training and keep up with current standards and practices
--- Gather information to help update or create digital preservation policies
--- Brush up on selection, metadata, copyright, born digital collections, and preserving AV collections
--- Learn about free tools you can use for a digital preservation project or program
New! Student scholarship available, thanks to Emporia State University School of Library and Information Management:
To Learn More and Register, Visit:
NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center - --
Conservation Treatment, Digitization, Audio Preservation, Assessments, Training, Free Web Resources