====================== HES POSTING ==================
Canadian Economics Association
Association Canadienne d'economique
for the 1998 Meeting of the CEA
University of Ottawa, Ontario
May 28-31, 1998
For each paper offered, an abstract should be sent by January 16,
1998 to be assured of consideration. It must provide enough
information to judge the suitability of the paper. Thus the abstract
should state: (1) the problem addressed; (2) the methodology used; (3)
the results, actual or anticipated; (4) how the study fits into the
literature and contributes to it. (If it is available, a copy of the
complete paper may also be sent, but this is not a substitute for the
Receipt of all abstracts will be acknowledged. Make sure your name is
on the abstract.
To present a paper, you must be a member of
the CEA and have paid the CEA conference
registration fee.
Papers accepted for presentation will be scheduled during the
three main days of the meetings, May 29-31. Individuals presenting
papers should also be willing to act as a discussant in their area of
Suggestions for topics of sessions are also welcome, and may be
sent by fax, e-mail, or regular mail.
The CEA encourages electronic submission of abstracts. A web-based
form is available on the CEA website at
Alternatively, please send submissions by regular mail before January
16, 1998 to:
Craig Riddell, CEA Program Chair
Department of Economics
University of British Columbia
#997 - 1873 East Mall
Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: (604) 822-2313 (CEA Hotline)
Fax: (604) 822-5915
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============
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