Thought someone might be able to assist the researcher below.
Jane Boyko
Bank of Canada/Banque du Canada
234 Wellington
Ottawa ON K1A 0G9
(613) 782-8673
(613) 782-7387 (Facsimile/Télécopieur)
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-----Original Message-----
From: Janet Walters [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: January 19, 2010 1:42 PM
To: On-Muse
Subject: [onmuse-l] Missing photographs
I received the following request from a researcher yesterday. It seems he
has only been able to locate 86 photographs by this well known and prolific
photographer who was born in Kingsville but came to Toronto in 1849. If
anyone can help him, please contact him directly but copy me if you don't
mind. Thanks!
I am a writer/researcher on the arts, particularly the early history of
photography in Canada, and I'm working with Bob Lansdale, the editor of
Photographic Canadiana, the journal of the Photographic Historical Society
of Canada, to put together a family and career history of Eli Palmer,
(1820-1894), a prominent photographer in Toronto during the latter half of
the nineteenth-century . Although he began his career as a daguerreotypist
he later became well known for taking cartes de visite, (a paper process),
of the gentry in Toronto and others who visited the town beginning around
1861. If you know of anyone, or institution, that might have any photos by
Palmer in their collection(s), I would very much like to hear from them. Not
only will it be appreciated but any assistance will certainly be
acknowledged in print.
Graham W. Garrett - Toronto
(416) 492-0260
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Janet Walters
Toronto's First Post Office
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