Greetings List,
Here is your chance to shine and share with colleagues. I would like to put
together a sample kit of preservation related policies and procedures to use
during my site visits to AAO institutions. Do you have a written
Preservation Policy for an archives that you are pleased with and would be
willing to send me, that I could show as an example to other institutions
that do not have one .
I would also be interested in collecting examples of other written
policies and procedures people may have that relate to preservation. For
example policies and procedures for: storage of archival records; exhibition
or loan of records; environmental monitoring; care and handling;
reproduction of original records; pest management; security; etc.
The source of the policy can be kept anonymous if you prefer.
Iona McCraith
Preservation Consultant
Archives Association of Ontario
Tel: (705) 277-1309 Fax: (705) 277-2091
Email: [log in to unmask]