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Here's a list which, I am a bit embarrassed to say, contains a large
proportion of my own work. At the end is a link to several manuscripts on
my web page, including one that I completed (or, more correctly, revised)
yesterday! (The Praxeological Entrepreneur)
Baumol, William J., "Entrepreneurship in Economic Theory," American
Economic Review, May, 1968.
Barreto, Humberto (1989). The Entrepreneur in Microeconomic Theory:
Disappearance and Explanation. Routledge, London.
Casson, Mark (1982). The Entrepreneur. Barnes & Noble, Totowa, N.J..
Emmett, R.B. 1999. "The Economist and the Entrepreneur: Modernist Impulses
in Frank H. Knight's Risk, Uncertainty and Profit." History of Political
Economy 31 (Spring): 29-52.
Fellner, William, "Entrepreneurship in Economic Theory: The 'Scientific
Method' and Vicarious Inspection," Ch. 2 in Jules Bachman (ed.), The
Entrepreneurship and the Outlook for America, New York: New York University
Press, 1982.
Gurzynski, Z. S. A. (1976). Entrepreneurship--the True Spring of Human
Action. South African Journal of Economics. Vol. 44, no. 1, March.
Gunning, J. Patrick (1992). The Meaning of Entrepreneurship in Economic
Theory: Historical Perspective. Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic
Change. 1 (2).
Gunning, J. Patrick (1992). The New Subjectivist Elucidation of
Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Change. 1 (3).
Gunning, J. Patrick. (1993) "Entrepreneurists and Firmists: Knight vs. the
Modern Theory of the Firm." Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 15:
Gunning, J. Patrick. (1998) "The Theory of Entrepreneurship in Austrian
Economics." In Keizer, W., Tieben B. and R. Van Zijp (eds.). Austrians in
Debate. London: Routledge.
Gunning, J. Patrick. (1998) "The Idea of the Entrepreneur Role as
Distinctly Human Action: A History of Progress." (manuscript)
Hébert, Robert F. and Albert N. Link (1982). The Entrepreneur. Praeger, New
Hennings, K. H. (1980). The Transition from Classical to Neoclassical
Economic Theory: Hans von Mangoldt. Kyklos. No. 4.
Hoselitz, Bert F. (1951). The Early History of Entrepreneurial Theory.
Explorations in Entrepreneurial History. Vol. 3, April. AMS Press, New
Kirzner, Israel (1973). Competition and Entrepreneurship. University of
Chicago Press, Chicago.
Kirzner, Israel (1979). Perception, Opportunity, and Profit. University of
Chicago Press, Chicago.
Kirzner, Israel (1985). Discovery and the Capitalist Process. University of
Chicago Press, Chicago.
Knight, F. H. (1921). Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit. Houghton Mifflin, New
Knight, F.H. (1941), Profit and Entrepreneurial Functions. Journal of
Economic History. December.
Loasby, B. J. (1982). The Entrepreneur in Economic Theory. Scottish Journal
of Political Economy. Vo., 29, No. 3, November.
Mangoldt, H. von (1855, German). The Precise Function of the Entrepreneur
and the True Nature of the Entrepreneur's Profit. In F. M. Taylor (ed.)
(1907). Some Readings in Economics. George Wahr, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Menger, Carl (1871, German). Principles of Economics. Translated by James
Dingwall and Bert Hoselitz (1981). New York University Press, New York.
Redlich, Fritz. (1991) "The Origin of the Concepts of 'Entrepreneur' and
'Creative Entrepreneur.'" Explorations in Entrepreneurial History. Chapter
2 in Mark Blaug. (ed.) Jean-Baptiste Say (1776-1832). Aldershot, U.K:
Edward Elgar.
Reekie, W. Duncan (1984). Markets, Entrepreneurs and Liberty: An Austrian
View of Capitalism. Wheatsheaf Books, Brighton, Sussex.
Schumpeter, J. A. (1911, German). The Theory of Economic Development.
Translated by R. Opie (1961). Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
Schumpeter, J. A. (1949). Economic Theory and Entrepreneurial History. In
Harvard University Research Center in Entrepreneurial History. Change and
the Entrepreneur. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Reprinted in
Richard V. Clemence (ed.) (1951). Essays of Schumpeter. Addison-Wesley,
Cambridge, Mass.
Tuttle, Charles A. (1927) "The Entrepreneur Function in Economic
Literature." Journal of Political Economy. 35: 501-521.
Tuttle, Charles A. (1927) "The Function of the Entrepreneur." In Jacob H.
Hollander (ed.) Economic Essays Contributed in Honor of John Bates Clark.
New York: The Macmillan Company.
von Mises, Ludwig (1966). Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. Henry
Regnery Company, Chicago.
White, Lawrence H., "Entrepreneurship, Imagination, and the Question of
Equilibrium," in Stephen Littlechild (ed.) Austrian Economics, Vol. 3,
Brookfield, Vermont: Edward Elgar Publishing Company, 1990.
Wu, Shih-Yen (1989). Production, Entrepreneurship and Profits. Basil
Blackwell, Cambridge, Mass.
My web page contains several manuscripts on this subject:
http://www.gunning.cafeprogressive.com/welcsubj.htm#Papers on Entrepreneurship
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