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Date: | Fri Mar 31 17:19:14 2006 |
Content-Type: | text/plain |
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----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
As Roger Backhouse noted, the question of the empirical evidence for the claim that
economists turn their attention to HET at the end of their careers was one of the the
topics addressed in the HOPE 2001 workshop, the report on which is due out very soon (this
Fall) as the HOPE 2002 Special Issue titled _The Future of the History of Economics_, whch
I edited. In addition to Roger's paper, the paper by Ted Gayer on US graduate education
will be useful for this discussion. As part of that study, I had a grad student use, and
code, material from the AEA Directory, to enable Gayer to develop some HE demographic
materials for his analysis.
Overall, the various papers looking around the world at HET all treated aspects of this
topic. A preliminary draft of my Introduction to that volume can be found at:
E. Roy Weintraub
PDuke University
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