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Fri Mar 31 17:19:12 2006
[log in to unmask] (Paul Wendt (NC))
text/plain (218 lines)
===================== HES POSTING =================== 
HES SUBSCRIBER REPORT, Sep'97                                   Paul Wendt 
-----------------------------                                    28 Sep 97 
1 Suppl: Geographic Distribution 
HES email list has 414 subscribers on 1 Sep 97.  (That counts persons, not 
addresses, and omits 15 students leftover from one Spring'97 course.) 
Seven quarterly snapshots cover the 18 months since HES joined, 
based at Miami University, Ohio USA.  The current snapshot appears in the 
first column of numbers at left, with quarterlies beginning March 1996 at 
right; thus the first two columns show our 18-month growth at 
        LARGE REGION or GROUP    (USA, Europe, ...)  
        COUNTRY                  (USA, France, ...)  
        INSTITUTION              (Erasmus U Rotterdam, U Amsterdam, ...) 
        NAME                     (David Smith) 
    TECHNICAL NOTES              ("USAmerica" and "English") 
                        CURRENT     QUARTERLY HISTORY, 1996-97  
                        ~1Sep       1Mar 1Jun 1Sep 1Dec 1Mar 1Jun  
                        -------     -------------------------------  
ALL SUBSCRIBERS           414        200  252  268  362  388  412  
-------------------------------     -------------------------------  
      Europe              126         58   68   70  102  110  128  
      Asia                 20         11   13   13   17   20   21  
      Latin America        12          3    3    4    9   12   13  
      Commonwealth         49         16   26   27   35   41   45  
-------------------------------     -------------------------------  
NOT US AMERICA            207         88  110  114  163  183  207  
US AMERICA                207        112  142  154  199  205  205  
-------------------------------     -------------------------------  
not English               138         63   73   76  111  124  141  
English                   276        137  179  192  251  264  271  
                        CURRENT     QUARTERLY HISTORY, 1996-97  
                        ~1Sep       1Mar 1Jun 1Sep 1Dec 1Mar 1Jun  
ALL SUBSCRIBERS           100        100  100  100  100  100  100  
-------------------------------     -------------------------------  
      Europe               30         29   27   26   28   28   31  
      Asia                  5          6    5    5    5    5    5  
      Latin America         3          1+   1+   1+   2+   3    3  
      Commonwealth         12          8   10   10   10   11   11  
-------------------------------     -------------------------------  
NOT US AMERICA             50         44   44   43   45   47   50  
US AMERICA                 50         56   56   57   55   53   50  
-------------------------------     -------------------------------  
not English                33         32   29   28   31   32   34  
English                    67         69   71   72   69   68   66  
                        CURRENT          QUARTERLY HISTORY, 1996-97   
                        Summer'97        Spr96 Summ Fall Wint Spr97   
ALL SUBSCRIBERS             0   (54)       26    6   35    7    6     
-------------------------------          --------------------------    
      Europe               -2   (80)       17    3   46    8   16     
      Asia                 -5   (54)       18    0   31   18    5     
      Latin America        -8  (200)        0   33  125   33    8     
      Commonwealth          9   (81)       63    4   30   17   10     
-------------------------------     -------------------------------  
NOT US AMERICA              0   (82)       25    4   43   12   13     
US AMERICA                  1   (34)       27    8   29    3    0     
-------------------------------          --------------------------    
not English                -2   (82)       16    4   46   12   14     
English                     2   (44)       31    7   31    5    3     
"Countries" are generally defined by the last component of an email 
address.  Email addresses ending {.com .net .org} are here allocated to 
country of residence where known, otherwise to USAmerica; addresses ending 
{.edu .gov .us .mil} are all allocated to USAmerica. 
HES has subscribers in 32 countries (same as last quarter), with perhaps 
one or two more concealed in "USAmerica" {.com .net .org}.  Next after 
USAmerica with 207 subscribers (50%) is France with 25 (6%). 
Number of countries:       32         24   26   25   32   33   32 
Number of subscribers:    414        200  252  268  362  388  412 
     email              CURRENT     QUARTERLY HISTORY, 1996-97  
     code               ~1Sep       1Mar 1Jun 1Sep 1Dec 1Mar 1Jun  
     -----              ------      ------------------------------- 
Eur   fr    France         25         11   13   15   19   23   27  
Eur   uk    UKBritain      19          7    9   10   15   17   20  
Eur   nl    Netherlands    14         10   10   10   13   13   15  
Eur   it    Italy          13          7    8    8    9   11   13  
Eur   be    Belgium        10          5    7    7   10    9   10  
Eur   de    Germany         9          4    6    6    7    9    9  
Eur   se    Sweden          6                    1    3    3    6  
Eur   pt    Portugal        5          4    4    4    5    5    5  
Eur   ch    Switzerland     6          5    5    5    5    3    4  
Eur   at    Austria         4          1    1    1    4    4    4  
Eur   es    Spain           4               1    1    3    4    4  
Eur   dk    Denmark         3                         2    2    3  
Eur   bg    Bulgaria        2                         2    2    2  
Eur   pl    Poland          2          1    1    1    1    1    2  
Eur   ie    Ireland         1          2    2    1    2    1    1  
Eur   fi    Finland         1                         1    1    1  
Eur   gr    Greece          1                         1    1    1  
Eur   hu    Hungary         1          1    1              1    1  
AsiaW tr    Turkey          3          1    2    2    4    4    4  
AsiaW il    Israel          2               1    1    1    1    1  
AsiaS id    India                                     1    1  
AsiaE jp    Japan          14          8    8    9   10   13   15  
AsiaE tw    Taiwan          1          1    1    1    1    1    1  
AsiaE kr    Korea                      1    1  
Amer  br    Brazil          5          1    1    2    3    5    6  
Amer  mx    Mexico          2          1    1    1    2    2    2  
Amer  ar    Argentina       2                         2    2    2  
Amer  pe    Peru            2                              2    2  
Amer  cl    Chile           1          1    1    1    1    1    1  
Amer  co    Colombia                                  1  
Comm  ca    Canada         23          8   17   19   20   21   22  
Comm  au    Australia      23          6    7    6   11   16   19  
Comm  nz    New Zealand     2          1    1    1    3    3    2  
Comm  za    South Africa    1          1    1    1    1    1    2  
-------------------------------     -------------------------------  
US AMERICA                207        112  142  154  199  205  205  
of which: 
      edu                 162        105  127  139  170  168  163  
      com *                31          6   10   10   19   24   25  
      net *                11               1    2    3    5   10  
      org *                 2               1    1    3    2    2  
      gov                   1               2    1    2    3    3  
      us                               1    1    1    2    2    2  
      mil                                                  1  
"Institutions" are generally defined by one or two components of an email 
address preceding the last or "country".  Thus some institutions may be 
overlooked here, because of their addressing conventions or because some 
affiliated persons subscribe from an outside address.   
HES has four or more subscribers at a handful of institutions: 
    5   Erasmus U Rotterdam 
    5   U Amsterdam 
    5   Duke U  
    4   U Notre Dame  
    4   U Paris 1  
    4   Go"teborg U 
    4   U Quebec a Montreal 
(Six geographically scattered subscribers buy their email addresses from a 
commercial institution, America Online.) 
HES has three subscribers hamed David Smith (David R, David K, and Dave). 
No other name is close. 
 -  Each person is counted once, at current residence (or so I guess) for 
    those with subscriptions from two different countries.  
 -  "US America" counts all persons with addresses ending {.org .com .net 
    .edu .us .gov .mil} EXCEPT where I know that person is based 
    elsewhere, which depends on my memory, efforts, and good fortune. 
     email              CURRENT     QUARTERLY HISTORY, 1996-97  
     code               ~1Sep       1Mar 1Jun 1Sep 1Dec 1Mar 1Jun  
     -----              ------      ------------------------------- 
        .org                1         1    1    1    1    1    1 
        .com                4         2    3    2    3    3    3 
        .net                4         1    1    1    1    1    4 
 -  "English" counts persons based in any English-speaking country 
    including "US America" as defined here; also including Ireland and 
    South Africa, not Israel or India. 
Paul Wendt, Watertown MA  
HES subscriptions manager 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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