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Print Reply
Fri Mar 31 17:18:26 2006
[log in to unmask] (Esther-Mirjam Sent)
text/plain (97 lines)
==================== HES POSTING ======================= 
[I extratected this information for the Philosophy of Science newsletter. 
I'm including the editor's note in case you want to subscribe. --E-MS] 
Subject: 1. EDITOR'S NOTE: 
The PSA Newsletter is published electronically on an "as needed" basis by 
the Philosophy of Science Association to disseminate information.  The 
newsletter is moderated and is restricted to information pertinent to 
members of the Association (e.g., official business of the Association, 
information about upcoming meetings of the Association, and information 
about other meetings likely to be of interest to a broad range of the 
membership.  It is NOT intended for ungoing discussions of intellectual 
topics within philosophy of science.  If you have information that you 
would like to submit for possible inclusion in a future issue of the 
newsletter, please send it to the editor at [log in to unmask] 
Directions for subscribing and unsubscribing: 
Send an email message with NO subject to [log in to unmask] 
To subscribe, include the following as the ONLY line: 
        SUBSCRIBE PSA <your name> 
To unsubscribe, include the following as the ONLY line: 
3. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in History of Science 
The University of Oklahoma announces a junior- or senior-level Andrew W. 
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Science for the 1997-1998 
academic year.  The fellowship will be awarded for research and teaching 
that explore the intersections of the biological and social at the borders 
of science and culture, with a strong preference given to historical 
projects situated at the crossroads of human science, life science, and 
culture.  The Fellowship is open to candidates with doctorates in history, 
the history of science, science studies, or related fields.  The Mellon 
Fellow will have residence with the University's History of Science 
Department and the University Libraries' History of Science Collections. 
The Fellow will teach one undergraduate or graduate course in the Fellow's 
area of interest during the academic year.  The fellowship carries a 
stipend up to $30,000, with benefits including a budget for travel and 
research expenses. 
Applications should be postmarked by January 15, 1997.  Contact: Dr. Gregg 
Mitman; Department of History of Science; The University of Oklahoma; 601 
Elm, Rm. 622; Norman, OK 73019-0315; Tel. 405-325-6476; Fax 405-325-2363; 
E-mail [log in to unmask], The University of Oklahoma is an Equal 
Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. 
4. Mellon Fellowships for Assistant Professors 
THE SCHOOL OF HISTORICAL STUDIES at the Institute for Advanced Study, 
with the support of the Andrew Mellon Foundation, has established a 
program of one year memberships for assistant professors at universities 
and colleges in the United States and Canada to support promising young 
scholars who have embarked on professional careers.  While at the 
Institute they will be expected to engage exclusively in scholarly 
research and writing. 
Two appointments will be made for 1997-98. 
ASSISTANT PROFESSORS in areas represented in the School of Historical 
Studies (Greek and Roman civilization, the history of Europe, Islamic 
culture, the history of modern international relations, and the history 
of art) may apply, provided  at the time of their arrival they will have 
served at least two and not more than four years as assistant professors 
in institutions of higher learning in the United States or Canada and 
provided they can return to their institution. 
APPOINTMENTS will be for one full year (July 1 through June 30 with the 
option of staying through the second summer until August 15) and will 
carry all the privileges of Membership at the Institute for Advanced 
Study.  The stipend will match the combined salary and benefits at the 
Member's home institution. 
APPLICATION FORMS may be obtained from the Administrative Officer, School 
of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New 
Jersey 08540 and should be returned to the Administrative Officer by 
January 30, 1997.  Applicants should submit a c.v., a bibliography of 
publications, a concise account (not more than three pages) of the work 
to be performed during the tenure of the membership, and three letters of 
recommendation.  Copies of published writings should be submitted and 
additional documentation (such as a copy of the thesis) may be requested. 
 As part of the selection process short-listed applicants will be 
requested to come to the Institute for an Interview in early March. 
  Awards will be announced by April 1. 
============ FOOTER TO HES POSTING ============ 
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