A long time ago Robert Dagnall asked about articles concerning
the history of banning _Huck Finn_. Sorry to be so hideously
late, but appended are some references culled from the MLA and
the Expanded Academic Index.
Taylor Roberts
Barlow, Dudley. "Why we still need Huckleberry Finn."
_Education Digest_ Sept 1992, 58:1, 31(5).
Cox, James M. "A Hard Book To Take." 386-403 in Robert
Sattelmeyer and J. Donald Crowley (eds.), _One Hundred
Years of Huckleberry Finn: The Boy, His Book, and
American Culture_, Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1985.
Fiedler, Leslie A. "Huckleberry Finn: The Book We Love to
Hate." _Proteus: A Journal of Ideas_ Fall 1984, 1:2, 1-8.
Gellert, James. "Shylock, Huckleberry, and Jim: Do They Have a
Place in Today's High Schools?" _Children's Literature
Association Quarterly_ Spring 1987, 12:1, 40-43.
Ranta, Taimi. "Huck Finn and Censorship." _Children's
Literature Association Quarterly_ Winter 1983, 8:4, 35.
Rule, Henry B. "A Brief History of the Censorship of The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." _Lamar Journal of the
Humanities_ Spring 1986, 12:1, 9-18.
Sullivan, Kathleen E. "The Missed Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn." _Virginia English Bulletin_ Winter 1986, 36:2,