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Fri Mar 31 17:18:52 2006
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------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------  
Classic Reviews in Economic History  
Paul Einzig, _The History of Foreign Exchange_. London: Macmillan, 1962.   
xvi + 319 pp. (second edition, 1970, xxi + 362 pp.)  
Review Essay by Lawrence H. Officer, Department of Economics, University   
of Illinois at Chicago.  
     The History of Foreign Exchange: A Provocative Classic  
Paul Einzig (1897-1973) was both a financial journalist and an author of   
scholarly works. (A brief, excellent biography of Einzig is Tether,   
1986.) Einzig was a prolific writer in both the popular press and   
academic realms. For two decades, he contributed a regular, "Lombard   
Street," column for the _Financial News_ (London). Later, he provided a   
weekly column in the _Commercial and Financial Chronicle_ (New York).   
Because of his popular writings, academic economists have a tendency to   
discount Einzig�s contributions to economics as a discipline. This   
reviewer feels compelled to refute that tendency.  
Using a strict definition of "book" -- excluding pamphlets, revised   
editions, works with similar titles, translations from English into   
other languages, volumes written solely in a non-English language,   
reports to governments or commissions, working papers, works that are in   
only a handful of libraries, and unpublished manuscripts -- this   
reviewer counted carefully (from the WorldCat database) that Einzig was   
the author of fifty-seven different books -- a phenomenal number. Of   
this total, one is Einzig's autobiography and at most a half-dozen could   
be construed as political treatises (judging by title). This leaves   
fifty volumes as primarily economic in content. No doubt, some of these   
volumes were written in haste and some are not particularly technical.   
On the other side, Einzig�s books contain only his own writings; not one   
is an edited volume.  
It is instructive to count also the number of books produced by the   
seven other authors of 2006 Classic Reviews series. Allowing for edited   
as well as authored volumes (but excluding works edited by others, and   
to which the author of interest merely contributed one or more   
chapters), the number of books attributed to each of the eight authors   
is listed below.  
Certainly, Einzig's total number of books is phenomenal in comparison to   
any of the other authors. In fact, incredibly, Einzig�s number of books   
exceeds even the _total_ number of the other seven authors. True, the   
table is purely quantitative, not qualitative, in nature. And, true,   
unlike the other authors Einzig was strictly a writer by profession.   
Nevertheless, by any standard, Einzig was a prolific book author indeed.  
Further, Einzig published articles in professional economics journals,   
even though he was not an academic economist. The JSTOR database lists   
nineteen articles authored by Einzig -- eighteen in the _Economic   
Journal_ and one in the _Journal of Finance_. These numbers are   
exclusive of book reviews; JSTROR lists twelve by Einzig, of which six   
are in the _Economic Journal_ and one in the _Economic History Review_.  
The point of the above discussion is that, although Einzig was neither   
an academic professor nor a government economist, he should be taken   
seriously as an astute observer of contemporary economic events, as an   
applied-economic theoretician, and as an economic historian. One of his   
best books in the first category is _International Gold Movements_   
(1929, 1931) -- invaluable to historians of the interwar gold standard.   
His best work in the second category is _The Theory of Forward Exchange_   
(1937), still useful to researchers of interest-rate parity. Among other   
virtues, that book contains an excellent discussion of selection of   
variables to test the theory, as well as data still used in scholarly   
studies. In the third category, paramount is _The History of Foreign   
Exchange_, the anatomy (including publication history) of which is shown   
in Table 2.  
Einzig states, in the preface to the first edition of the _History_,   
that his purpose is to produce �a single book ... that would cover the   
entire history of Foreign Exchange in all its main aspects from its   
origins to our days� (p. xi in the second edition -- all references in   
this review are to that edition). He remarks that nobody before had   
produced such a treatise. It is fair to say that neither has anybody   
since done so. There have been many books on the entire history of money   
as such, rather than of foreign exchange, and a variety of books on   
foreign exchange for particular currencies over a lengthy period of time   
or for a variety of currencies over a particular era -- but no one other   
than Einzig has produced a history of the foreign-exchange   
characteristic of currencies for purportedly all currencies (of   
interest) and for all eras. From probable international bills of   
exchange in Babylonia (twenty-first century B.C.), to U.S. borrowing in   
the Eurodollar market (late 1960s), Einzig succeeds admirably in   
conveying the flavor of foreign exchange.  
To cover systematically experience of such breadth, Einzig divides his   
book into chronologically based sections, as shown in Table 2. Part I   
deals with the Ancient Period (primarily Greece and Rome, though also   
earlier civilizations), Part II the Medieval Period, Part III the Early   
Modern Period (sixteenth to eighteenth centuries), Part IV the   
Nineteenth Century (to World War I), Part V 1914-1960, and Part VI   
(added in the second edition) the 1960s. To provide breadth   
systematically for each of these six eras, Einzig instills discipline on   
his research and writing by dividing each Part into four chapters: (1)   
foreign-exchange markets and practices, (2) exchange rates, including   
crises and trends, (3) foreign-exchange theory, and (4) exchange-rate   
policy. This schema greatly enhances the value of the volume as a   
reference work. Part I includes an introductory chapter, on the origins   
of foreign exchange; and the book includes a general introduction and a   
general conclusion (the latter largely rewritten in the second edition).  
Each chapter in Parts I-V (but not Part VI) contains endnotes, which are   
purely bibliographical. There is also an excellent bibliographical   
essay, termed �a selected bibliography� -- and, in the second edition,   
this bibliography is extended to incorporate the 1960s. Again the book   
is presented excellently as a reference volume. This characteristic is   
helped by a good �index of names,� but the subject index could have been   
more extensive.  
The author's ambitious and unique goal, the tremendous research effort   
(aided by the author�s proficiency in several languages), and the   
systematic presentation of the research results all make _The History of   
Foreign Exchange_ a  classic in economic history. The caliber of the   
journals that reviewed the _History_ is indicative of that judgment. Of   
the five top general journals in economics 1960s vintage (_American   
Economic Review_, _Economic Journal_, _Journal of Political Economy_,   
_Quarterly Journal of Economics_, and _Review of Economics and   
Statistics_), the three that reviewed books (the first three stated) did   
in fact review the _History_. Two of the top three journals in economic   
history at the time (_Journal of Economic History_, and _Economic   
History Review_) reviewed the book. It is not surprising that the third,   
_Explorations in Entrepreneurial History_ (the predecessor of   
_Explorations in Economic History_), did not review the _History_,   
because of the then-narrow orientation of the journal. (As for the   
_Journal of European Economic History_, it did not commence publication   
until 1972.) Among major economics journals that engaged in book   
reviews, only _Kyklos_ elected not to review the _History_. On the other   
side, _American Historical Review_, perhaps the top general history   
journal, did conduct a review.  
These reviews, together with several others in outlets not specializing   
in history, are listed and summarized in Table 3. The caliber of some   
reviewers is unusually high: the economic historians J. R. T. Hughes, L.   
S. Pressnell, and Raymond de Roover; and the international-economics   
specialist Arthur I. Bloomfield. Most reviewers had very positive things   
to say about the _History_; but they did not withhold criticism.  
The most negative evaluation is that of L. S. Pressnell, whose positive   
assessments are few, and even these are negative assessments in   
disguise. Einzig did not hesitate to respond to reviewers� criticisms   
that he viewed as unfair or based on incorrect facts. He had written a   
rejoinder to a review of his _Primitive Money_ (1949), this review   
appearing in the anthropological journal _Man_. The editor of the   
journal published Einzig's (1949) rejoinder in condensed form, and,   
incredibly, wrote a reply to Einzig�s rejoinder (rather than having the   
reviewer reply)!  
Einzig responded to Pressnell�s criticisms, in the preface to the second   
edition of the _History_, stating, quite correctly, that Pressnell�s   
review �amounted to little more than a list of attacks, wasting very   
little time or space on trying to justify, explain or illustrate his   
criticisms� (p. viii). Einzig gleefully, and again correctly, castigates   
Pressnell for associating paper credit with inflation/deflation in   
Ancient Rome, whereas in fact there was no paper money and inflation   
took the form of coinage debasement. Einzig then writes:  
Long-suffering authors have seldom the opportunity to answer their   
critics, which is a pity because, by drawing attention to flagrant   
instances of ill-informed criticisms such as the one denounced above,   
they might be able to raise the standard of criticism. Being a   
hard-hitting critic myself it is not for me to object to being hit hard   
-- provided my critic knows what he is talking about.  
In fairness to Einzig, he did meet the criticism of some reviewers that   
"the chapters dealing with modern developments were 'too sketchy'" (p.   
vii), by producing a second edition with the addition of Part VI.   
However, Einzig disagreed with the criticism that "the chapters dealing   
with earlier periods were unnecessarily long," and therefore did not   
condense these chapters (or otherwise alter them substantively) in the   
second edition. The present reviewer agrees with this decision; for the   
existing literature on foreign exchange is heavily oriented to recent   
periods. Einzig's work on earlier periods fills a definite void.  
Turning to this reviewer's impressions of the _History_, consider each   
Part in order. For the Ancient Period, there is lack of everything:   
data, writings on theory, definitive information about markets and about   
rationales for policy. Einzig acknowledges that he has "to make bricks   
with very little straw" (p. 7). There is much conjecture on Einzig's   
part, albeit his presentation generally makes sense. He shows knowledge   
of both the classical literature and modern treatises on these times,   
and does as much as he can with snippets of information.  
Einzig�s definition of a true foreign-exchange transaction (involving   
coins of both domestic and foreign parties) is acceptance by tale rather   
than by weight. He suggests that this first occurred in the fifth or   
sixth century B.C. As for the use of bills of exchange in   
foreign-exchange transactions, Einzig speculates that this could have   
arisen even earlier. There is discussion of depreciation and debasement   
of coinage, including the observation that the debasement of Roman coins   
had the effect of India ceasing to accept them. Einzig emphasizes that   
foreign trade was inflexible and, in particular, inelastic with respect   
to the exchange rate. He notes that exchange-rate information for this   
era is not only scarce but also complicated, due to the existence of   
trimetallism (three monetary metals: copper, silver, gold) and   
symmetallism (electrum: gold/silver alloyed coins).  
Einzig is careful not to overstate the role of foreign exchange in   
theory and policy. Debasement of coinage in Rome was generally done to   
finance budget deficits rather than to correct balance-of-payments   
deficits. The same is true for Greek devaluations and debasements. The   
purchasing-power-parity (PPP) theory of exchange rates cannot be   
discerned in Ancient writing. The reason given again is the inelasticity   
of foreign trade, with tremendous differences in prices of goods across   
countries (due to both high transport costs and high profit margins). On   
the other side, exchange control was the policy of Sparta and of Egypt   
(under Ptolemaic and Roman rule), with Plato the intellectual champion   
of such a policy. Exchange control existed in the Roman Empire in   
connection with the accumulation of exchange as tribute to be   
transferred to Rome.  
Considering the Medieval Period, Einzig observes that �manual exchange�   
(exchange of domestic for foreign coin) began to give way to bills of   
exchange in an evolutionary process. He makes much of the fact that   
international bills (because they involved exchange risk) were a means   
of circumventing the anti-usury laws of the Church. He is impressed with   
medieval foreign-exchange theorizing, which arose in the context of   
whether exchange rates concealed interest, and discerns a variety of   
theories (or harbingers of theories) of exchange-rate determination in   
the Scholastic writings: demand and supply, exchange risk,   
cost-of-production, money-supply, balance-of-payments, and PPP. Exchange   
control over bills was less strict and less pervasive than over coins,   
because the Church required freedom of transferring funds emanating from   
Papal collections.  
For the Early Modern Period (sixteenth-eighteenth centuries), Einzig   
provides a good discussion of the gradual transition from medieval to   
modern practices. He notes that Thomas Gresham (of "Gresham�s Law" fame)   
made the first known computation of a specie point (the English   
gold-import point from Flanders) in 1558. Einzig outlines the history of   
the British, French, Dutch, German, Spanish, Swedish and Russian   
exchange rates (each relative to other currencies) during this period.   
The Early Modern Period witnessed the first true exchange-rate   
theorizing, meaning �a deliberate analysis of cause and effects of   
Foreign Exchange movements and the role of Foreign Exchange in the   
economic system� (p. 138). Salamancan (Spanish) writers of the sixteenth   
and seventeenth centuries are credited with the money-supply theory and   
the purchasing-power theory of the exchange rate; but (as Einzig states)   
it is unclear whether they meant the entire money supply (coinage) in   
circulation or the supply merely in the foreign-exchange market for the   
purchase of foreign bills. The Salamancans did not develop the   
balance-of-payments (or trade-balance) theory of the exchange rate; this   
was done by English writers, such as Gresham and Mun.  
The Malynes-Misselden-Mun controversy is judged to be "one of the most   
important controversies in the history of Foreign Exchange theory" (p.   
142); but only one page is devoted to this controversy. Malynes, who   
here had a speculation theory of the exchange rate, lost the debate;   
Mun�s view that the exchange rate and specie flows depended on the trade   
balance became preeminent. Yet elsewhere Malynes theorized the price   
specie-flow mechanism, but Einzig does not acknowledge this   
accomplishment. Nor does Einzig mention that �Malynes has all the   
ingredients for the PPP theory and comes ever so close to exhibiting the   
theory for both fixed and floating rates� (Officer, 1982, p. 258).   
Schumpeter (1954, p. 737) also judges that "Purchasing-Power Parity   
theory, or some rudimentary form of it ... can ... certainly be   
attributed to Malynes."  
Regarding policy in the Early Modern Period, Einzig mentions various   
alternatives to exchange control:  
1. A uniform tax on exchange transactions -- temporarily imposed in   
England in 1586, after exchange control was abandoned. Not noted by   
Einzig, the idea was resurrected (but not implemented) during the period   
of �dollar surplus� in the 1960s.  
2. Official pegging of exchange rates. This was done by fixing the price   
of foreign coins in domestic coins. The pegging was adjustable, that is,   
the price was changed periodically.  
3. Official intervention in the foreign-exchange market, for example, by   
requiring exporters to sell their foreign exchange to the government at   
unfavorable rates. This is actually a form of exchange control. Creation   
of an exchange equalization account, that would have enabled   
intervention similar to the Bretton Woods system and the managed float   
that followed it, was advocated by Gresham and others, but did not occur.  
4. Altering mint parities. This was often done to induce a net inflow of   
specie, rather than to affect exchange rates as such.  
5. Changing or suspending seigniorage on coinage. This affected specie   
points and therefore the exchange-rate spread. Once seigniorage was   
abolished (as in England in 1666), this policy lost its mechanism.  
Regarding the Nineteenth Century, Einzig writes that �the advanced paper   
currency inflation in France during the Revolution and the fluctuation   
of the inconvertible pound during the period of suspension may be   
regarded as the first meaningful experience in Foreign Exchange   
movements under inconvertible paper currency systems� (p. 171). This   
statement is incorrect on two counts:  
First, nothing is said about the experience of China, where paper was   
invented and paper money first issued. At times, paper money circulated   
together with coined money, and at times the paper money was   
inconvertible. It is known that Chinese coins circulated in foreign   
countries in the fifteenth century and probably earlier (see, for   
example, Bernholz, 2003, p. 56). There must have been implications for   
exchange rates, if only for �manual exchange� (domestic for foreign   
coin). True, little if any information on such foreign exchange exists.   
Yet that deficiency did not stop Einzig from making conjectures about   
foreign exchange in the Ancient Period!  
Second, several pages are devoted to the Bank Restriction Period (the   
inconvertible pound in 1797-1821, also called �the bullionist period�),   
in both empirical (exchange value of the pound) and theoretical   
(bullionist-controversy) aspects. Indeed, Einzig writes: �the so-called   
�bullionist� controversy ... was probably the most important Foreign   
Exchange controversy for all time� (p., 202). However, he makes no   
reference at all to an earlier �bullionist period,� the Swedish   
inconvertible paper currency and floating exchange rate of 1745-1776.   
China was the first country to introduce paper money; but Sweden was the   
first to issue banknotes. In fairness to Einzig, the Swedish experience   
was not generally known until �rediscovered� by Eagly (1963, 1968,   
1971). Nevertheless, Einzig could have incorporated this important   
experience in the second edition of the _History_, but he chose not to   
do so.  
This reviewer also takes exception to Einzig's view that "technical   
devices" to discourage the outflow or encourage the inflow of gold were   
undertaken predominantly by countries (such as France and Germany) other   
than the three (Britain, the United States, Holland) that "with really   
narrow gold points were ... on a really effective gold standard" (p.   
173). Regarding the latter three countries, Einzig states only that the   
Bank of England adopted such devices during the Boer War, and mentions   
nothing about U.S. use of these policies. In fact, both the Bank of   
England and U.S. Treasury engaged in extensive �direct manipulation� of   
gold points for much of the classical gold-standard period (see Clark   
1984; Officer 1986, 1996, chapter 9).  
For the period 1914-1960, Einzig reports the great change in   
foreign-exchange policy: from minimal government interference with free   
foreign-exchange markets over the century since the end of the   
Napoleonic Wars, to official intervention the rule rather than the   
exception. Exchange control, which had lapsed into disuse, was   
resurrected. Correspondingly, PPP theory had been almost entirely   
forgotten during the century of relative stability of the major exchange   
rates. Now the theory was restated, with great vigor and dogmatism, by   
Gustav Cassel. Supported by major economists, such as John Maynard   
Keynes (who later withdrew his support) and A. C. Pigou, the theory   
would never again be ignored.  
Discussion of the 1960s, reluctantly included by Einzig as an additional   
part in the second edition of the _History_, is not particularly   
impressive, in part because a single decade does not warrant the space   
given to it in a study stretching over several millennia. Einzig   
compares the only occasional and isolated foreign-exchange crises of the   
1815 1914 century to the multitude of crises decade after decade since.   
The prevalence of foreign-exchange crises continues to this day!  
In his concluding chapter, Einzig predicts that an abandonment of the   
fixed-rate system of Bretton Woods (which was often discussed in the   
literature, but had not yet happened at the time of his writing) would   
only be temporary. "It would not take very long for most Governments to   
realise the grave disadvantages of the currency chaos resulting from   
their ill-advised decisions to de-stabilise their exchanges. Sooner or   
later they would return to the system of stability, as their forerunners   
did each time they were forced to abandon it in the past" (p. 348).   
Einzig expresses that view from the perspective of four thousand years   
of exchange rates! The creation of the euro -- fixed exchange rates par   
excellence, which replaced multiple national currencies with one   
supranational currency -- provides partial validation of Einzig's   
prediction. Time will tell whether the present float, or rather managed   
float, between the various currencies of the developed world (euro,   
dollar, yen, pound, etc.) will also be succeeded by a renewed fixity of   
exchange rates. That event would make Einzig's prediction impressive   
indeed. Einzig was well-known as a proponent of fixed as distinct from   
floating exchange rates; but his prediction that any lapse from fixed   
rates would only be temporary is a positive statement, not a normative one.  
Einzig was well-known as a proponent of fixed as distinct from floating   
exchange rates; but his prediction that any lapse from fixed rates would   
only be temporary is a positive statement, not a normative one.  
Einzig observes, with disdain, the "obscurantist presentation" of modern   
foreign-exchange theory and the widening gap of this theory from   
foreign-exchange policy. He writes: "No contribution to Foreign Exchange   
Theory expressed in terms of mathematical economics has added anything   
of substance to the subject that could not have been added to it without   
the use of mathematics" (p. 322). This statement is not quite the same   
as the more-common view that "any legitimate theory that is expressed   
mathematically can also be exposited verbally." Einzig is consistent,   
for there is not one mathematical symbol in the _History_!  
If there is any general weakness of the _History_, it is the absence of   
tables and charts of exchange rates, mint parities, and specie points.   
Einzig is aware of this limitation; he writes:  
There is everything to be said for compiling continuous series of   
exchange rates for all the important exchanges in the principal Foreign   
Exchange markets, at least from the 16th century, but preferably also   
for the late Medieval Period. The material is there, in public records   
and business archives. But to make it accessible is a task that only   
some well-endowed research department could undertake. (p. xii)  
It is fair to say that economic historians have performed much work of   
this nature since the publication of the _History_.  
_The History of Foreign Exchange_ has great limitations as well as great   
strengths. It is an impressive, but also a controversial and   
provocative, work. Undoubtedly, though, it deserves to be called a classic.  
Bernholz, Peter. _Monetary Regimes and Inflation: History, Economic, and   
Political Relationships_. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003.  
Clark, Truman A. �Violations of the Gold Points, 1890-1908.� _Journal of   
Political Economy_ 92 (October 1984): 791-823.  
Eagly, Robert V. �Money, Employment and Prices: A Swedish View, 1761.�   
_Quarterly Journal of Economics_ 77 (November 1963): 626-36.  
Eagly, Robert V. �The Swedish and English Bullionist Controversies.� In   
Robert V. Eagly, ed., _Events, Ideology and Economic Theory_. Detroit:   
Wayne State University Press, 1968: 13-31.  
Eagly, Robert V., editor, _The Swedish Bullionist Controversy_.   
Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1971.  
Einzig, Paul. _International Gold Movements_. London: Macmillan, first   
edition, 1929, second edition, 1931.  
Einzig, Paul. _Primitive Money in Its Ethnological, Historical and   
Economic Aspects_. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1949.  
Einzig, Paul. �Primitive Money: A Rejoinder� (with Editor�s Reply).   
_Man_ 49 (November 1949): 132.  
Einzig, Paul. _The Theory of Forward Exchange_. London: Macmillan, 1937.  
Officer, Lawrence H. �The Purchasing-Power-Parity Theory of Gerrard de   
Malynes.� _History of Political Economy_ 14 (Summer 1982): 256-59.  
Officer, Lawrence H. �The Efficiency of the Dollar-Sterling Gold   
Standard, 1890-1908.� _Journal of Political Economy_ 94 (October 1986):   
Officer, Lawrence H. _Between the Dollar-Sterling Gold Points: Exchange   
Rates, Parity, and Market Behavior_. Cambridge: Cambridge University   
Press, 1996.  
Schumpeter, Joseph A. _A History of Economic Analysis_. New York: Oxford   
University Press, 1954.  
Tether, C. Gordon. �Einzig, Paul.� In Lord Blake and C. S. Nicholls,   
eds., _The Dictionary of National Biography_. Oxford: Oxford University   
Press, 1986.  
Lawrence H. Officer is Professor of Economics at the University of   
Illinois at Chicago and Editor, Special Projects, EH.Net. He is a   
specialist in international economics and monetary history. His recent   
journal publications include "The U.S. Specie Standard, 1792-1932: Some   
Monetarist Arithmetic," _Explorations in Economic History_ (2002) and   
"The Quantity Theory in New England, 1703-1749: New Data to Analyze an   
Old Question," _Explorations in Economic History_ (2005). Officer is a   
recurrent contributor to the "How Much Is That?" section of EH.Net.  
Copyright (c) 2006 by EH.Net. All rights reserved. This work may be   
copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to the   
author and the list. For other permission, please contact the EH.Net   
Administrator ([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2229). Published   
by EH.Net (January 2006). All EH.Net reviews are archived at  
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