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Fri Mar 31 17:18:26 2006
[log in to unmask] (Ross B. Emmett)
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Published by EH.NET  (December 1997) 
W. Elliot Brownlee, Editor.  _Funding the Modern American State, 1941-1995: 
The Rise and Fall of the Era of Easy Finance_. Cambridge: Woodrow Wilson 
International Center for Scholars and Cambridge University Press, 1996. ix 
+ 467 pp. $59.95 (cloth), ISBN: 0521552400. 
Reviewed for EH.NET by Richard Vedder, Department of Economics, Ohio 
University.  <[log in to unmask]> 
     The good news is that seven scholars from a variety of disciplines 
(economics, history, political science, law) have given us an engaging 
narrative on various aspects of the contemporary history of American 
federal taxation in a volume that should be oft-cited. The bad news is, as 
is typically the case in edited volumes,  the quality of the analysis is 
uneven and in a few places even historically inaccurate. 
     The book was probably largely written in 1994 or at the beginning 
of 1995.  I was a little turned off by the very first sentence of text in 
the book,  in a promotional blurb preceding  the title page: "The fiscal 
crisis faced by  the American federal government represents the end of a 
fiscal regime that began with the financing of World War II." My reaction 
was: what fiscal crisis?  At the time I read the book, President Clinton 
had just announced that the 1997 fiscal year budget deficit was  about 
$22 billion, the smallest deficit in relation to total output in a 
generation. Moreover, the tax changes implemented in the 1997 budget deal 
merely extended the fiscal regime arising out of World War II. 
     Yet the claim is probably not so wrong after all. Americans are 
extremely unhappy with the administration of the tax system, and with its 
complexity. The public mood  is ripe for reform, perhaps radical change 
that involves the replacement or profound modification of the progressive 
marginal rate income tax. The booming economy has given some temporary 
respite in dealing with the entitlement problem, but in the long run the 
existing fiscal equilibrium is clearly untenable given what C. Eugene 
Steuerle appropriately calls (p. 428) "the yoke of prior commitments." It 
looks increasingly likely that major fiscal changes will occur at some 
time in the next decade. 
     Two of the essays (totaling more than one hundred pages) are by Elliot 
Brownlee.  One summarizes the volume and the second provides a historical 
overview of the tax system since the beginning of the Republic. Brownlee 
correctly notes  that new  tax regimes implemented during four national 
emergencies (Civil War, World War I, the Great Depression, and World War 
II) facilitated the enormous growth of the federal government. High wartime 
taxes were only modestly lowered after those conflicts,  which,  combined 
with reduced defense spending, allowed for expanded social programs 
without incurring large political costs. 
     Brownlee emphasizes the tensions between the Republican emphasis 
on consumption and tariff taxation and the Democratic yearning for 
progressive income taxation in the late nineteenth century. Indeed, one 
can argue that the entire fiscal history of the country since 1860  is one 
of the changing political  importance of two impulses: the progressive 
impulse to use the tax system to bring about income redistribution, and 
the conservative impulse to reduce the inefficiencies, resource 
distortions, and growth drag associated with high rates, particularly with 
regards to income. 
     A point that gets occasional mention but little emphasis in the 
book (possibly excepting Steuerle) is that progressive taxation gave 
political incentives to encourage price inflation, as bracket creep 
provided a politically clever way to raise taxes in a stealth fashion to 
finance social programs. I do not think it is entirely  an accident that 
inflation in the United States was low or non-existent in the era before 
sharply progressive taxation, was high in the era of high progressive 
rates, and has moderated since tax indexation reduced (although not 
eliminated) the bracket creep dimensions of the progressive income 
tax. Did fiscal policy drive monetary policy? 
     Brownlee makes its abundantly clear that progressives in both the 
Wilson and Roosevelt administrations used war emergencies as an 
opportunity to impose their redistributionist ideas.  As he  hints, a case 
can be made that the notion of progressive income taxation was saved, by 
all people, Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon, who in the 1920s 
defused Republican efforts to replace the progressive income tax with a 
national sales tax, an effort that has had a renaissance of sorts today. 
     Brownlee's account of tax history emphasizes the progressive 
impulses at redistribution, and pays little attention to  the efficiency 
difficulties that extremely high marginal rates pose. Few economists today 
would claim that sharply raising marginal tax rates in 1932 was an 
intelligent move  from either a demand or supply side perspective, yet 
Brownlee does not discuss whether this viewpoint was articulated at the 
time. Had equity concerns completely silenced the traditional efficiency 
arguments that arise in tax debates?  The emphasis throughout the Brownlee 
article is on tax changes that provided fiscal support for an increased 
state: he gives very little attention to the important Kennedy and Reagan 
tax cuts, and completely ignores several moderately important changes in 
the tax system, such as  in 1954, 1990, and 1993. 
     Turning from the general to the specific, Carolyn C. Jones 
competently explores how the government used public relations techniques 
to convince Americans to comply with high income taxation in the 1940s, 
when most Americans first became payers of the tax. Edward D. Berkowitz 
nicely summarizes the history of social security taxation, showing how 
liberals associated with the administration of the program (such as Wilbur 
Cohen) played an influential role in crafting Social Security expansion. 
They convinced legislators that large increases in benefits were possible 
with only moderate tax increases. In time, of course, political leaders 
learned this lesson too well, increasing benefits in the 1970s in an 
actuarially untenable fashion. The modern troubles of Social Security are 
less extensively explored than the program expansion,  although Berkowitz 
perceptively notes that "Americans have historically tolerated taxes 
reflecting shared social purpose but that even these taxes can reach a 
threshold that threatens to undermine the enterprise the tax supports" (p. 
     In a long and important essay, Herbert Stein updates his _Fiscal 
Revolution in America_ (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969). 
The era before the 1960s was dominated by tensions between three 
alternative budget philosophies (old-fashioned  Keynesian "functional 
finance", a more conservative or "domesticated" Keynesianism advocated by 
Stein, and a traditional Republican balanced budget rule). By contrast, 
Stein correctly tells us that  fiscal policy in the post-1964 era  was not 
governed by any specific budget philosophy. The problem was "the 
unwillingness of policy-makers to subordinate  their desires for specific 
tax and expenditure programs to any aggregate goal" ( p. 200). 
     Stein then goes into a long discussion of the specifics of fiscal 
policy, emphasizing  the era when he was a player, namely the Nixon 
Administration.  The fact is that, for all the policy angst and debate, 
federal taxation absorbed about 20 percent of the national output 
throughout the period. Whenever taxes started to rise above that amount 
from bracket creep, a tax revolt would ensue, culminating in what Stein 
(p. 266) terms the "Big Budget Bang" of 1981. Whenever taxes fell much 
lower than one-fifth of the nation's output, tax increases ensued (1982, 
1990 and 1993 come especially to mind). The increasing contempt for 
aggregate fiscal rules of any kind reflected growing tensions posed by the 
growth of entitlement programs and, on occasion, other spending needs. The 
marginal political benefits to politicians of spending money exceeded the 
marginal political costs. The "automatic" nature of entitlement spending 
increases was aggravated by new programs in the 1960s and 1970s. Deficits 
were a politically less painful way to finance government constrained by a 
tax threshold imposed by popular sentiment. Like inflation- induced tax 
increases, deficits are a stealth form of taxation. As Stein concludes, in 
the early 1960s it was true that "economic science had provided commands 
that politics would and should obey. That belief has now disappeared." (p. 
     Julian E. Zelizer's account of Wilbur Mill's role in the fiscal 
policy changes is well crafted. Mills shrewdly used experts to help him 
make  important changes in the fiscal system, and to stand up to 
Administration and congressional pressures. At the same time, he was a 
creature of Congress and knew how to win votes and maintain power. In a 
less successful essay, Cathie Jo Martin looks at the role that business 
played in the tax changes of the postwar era.  The paper is marred with 
significant factual errors. Speaking of the Reagan era, we learn (p. 382) 
that "neoclassical economists concentrated in the CEA under Murray 
Weidenbaum and then Alan Greenspan." Alan Greenspan did serve as Chairman 
of the Council of Economic Advisers - but in the Ford administration 
several years earlier.  I read (p. 394)   that administration official 
Richard Darman was a "supply-side economist." First of all, Darman was 
(and is) not an economist (his most recent Who's Who in America bio refers 
to him as a "former investment banker" and "former educator" and earlier 
biographies as "business consultant."). Secondly, most of the prominent 
supply siders I know from that era  viewed Darman as their enemy, the very 
antithesis of a "supply side economist."  The essay makes several 
assertions based on interviews with anonymous committee staffers. As a 
congressional staffer  myself in this era, I would suggest that staff 
interpretations of major congressional events varied widely,  and too many 
assertions are made  that at the very least should be  qualified. 
      The book ends on a  more solid  scholarly note. Steuerle nicely 
uses fact and logic to suggest that the era of "easy finance" ended in 
1981. Up to that date, economic growth, defense cuts, social security tax 
increases and the impact of inflation in raising taxes and lowering the 
real burden of the debt made it possible to expand social programs without 
dire budgetary consequences.  After 1981, "the yoke of prior commitments", 
the productivity  growth slowdown, tax indexation and other factors 
brought about "the fiscal straitjacket era."  On the spending side, the 
growth in entitlements set the stage for a future fiscal crisis that will 
force some change in the nation's fiscal (and probably tax) regime. 
     Taken as a whole, this volume advances our understanding of the 
historical trends in tax policy in important ways.  While  not pretending 
to be  a balanced or comprehensive survey of history of modern taxation, 
it is a nonetheless a welcomed addition to the literature that scholars 
will utilize for years to come. 
Richard Vedder 
Department of Economics 
Ohio University 
Richard Vedder is Distinguished Professor of Economics at Ohio University, 
where he does research on labor and fiscal policy issues. His latest book, 
with Lowell Gallaway, is _Out of Work: Unemployment and Government in 
Twentieth-Century America_, updated edition (New York: New York University 
Press, 1997). 
Copyright (c) 1997 by EH.Net and H-Net, all rights reserved.  This work may 
be copied for non-profit educational use if proper credit is given to the 
author and the list.  For other permission, please contact the EH.Net 
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