Mon, 6 Nov 1995 15:14:00 EST
I would appreciate someone letting me know where to get Mark
Twain A to Z. Is it a CD-ROM? It sound like a must-have for
many forum members, myself included.
Also, does anyone know what became of volume III of the Mark
Twain's Letters in the MTP series?. I have Volumes I and II, and
was able to order Volume IV from UC Press, but no one seems to
know why Volume III has not been published. My theory is that
the editors simply fell behind and the editors of Volume IV got
to the finish line first so the publisher just went with it ahead
of Volume III.
While I am on the MTP series, does anyone know if any more of the
originally planned 15 volumes are near publication? I already
have the first nine volumes, and it's been a long time since the
last one was published. Maybe the Letters got in the way.