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[log in to unmask] (Ross Emmett)
Fri Mar 31 17:18:23 2006
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Project 2000: Significant Works in Twentieth-Century Economic History 
Joseph A. Schumpeter, _Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_. New York: 
Harper & Row, 1942, 381 pp.; Third edition, 1950, 431 pp. 
Review Essay by Thomas K. McCraw, Harvard Business School. 
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The Creative Destroyer: 
Schumpeter's _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_ 
Does Joseph Schumpeter's _Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_ rank with 
the most important works of economic history of the twentieth century? Of 
course it does. Has there been a more penetrating analyst of capitalism 
than Joseph Schumpeter?  No, I do not think there has. 
Schumpeter led a melodramatic life (1883-1950), moving from Austria to 
England to Egypt to Germany before coming to Harvard for good in 1932. He 
was a phenomenally productive scholar, despite occasional forays into 
business and government in addition to a plethora of romantic liaisons that 
included three marriages. His first published article appeared in 1905, his 
last in 1950. His output included fifteen books (several of immense 
length), six pamphlets, about one hundred book reviews, and 148 articles, 
comments, and occasional pieces. 
Long after his death, his influence continues to grow. Massimo M. Augello's 
Joseph Alois Schumpeter: _A Reference Guide_ appeared in 1990 and ran to 
over 350 pages. Since then, several dozen articles on Schumpeter have 
appeared, in addition to biographies by Eduard März, Robert Loring Allen, 
Richard Swedberg, and Wolfgang Stolper. All of this work has enriched our 
knowledge of this remarkable polymath. 
Just how great was Schumpeter? Tibor Scitovsky places him at the very top: 
"America's most brilliant economist." The intellectual historian Martin 
Kessler agrees, arguing that Schumpeter was, apart from Keynes, "the only 
truly great economist the twentieth century has produced." Oskar 
Morgenstern sensibly comments that at this level rankings become pointless, 
that "all will agree that [Schumpeter] belongs to that small top group 
where a further ranking becomes almost impossible."1 
Many scholars of business history, most notably Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., 
have looked to Schumpeter as the economist who best understood the rise of 
big business and the central roles of innovation and entrepreneurship.2 In 
economic history, the work of Nathan Rosenberg and William Lazonick, among 
others, is imbued with Schumpeterian insights.3 In the study of "business 
strategy," a term probably coined by Schumpeter in _Capitalism, Socialism 
and Democracy_, Michael Porter's seminal work places a distinctly 
Schumpeterian emphasis on relentless innovation as the essence of 
competitive strategy.4 Within economics, Schumpeter's influence in America 
is perhaps best exemplified by the work of F. M. Scherer and Richard R. 
Nelson. Scherer, a prolific scholar and author of a standard textbook in 
industrial organization, acknowledges his intellectual debts in a book 
entitled _Innovation and Growth: Schumpeterian Perspectives_ . Nelson's 
Schumpeterian proclivities are on display in _An Evolutionary Theory of 
Economic Change_ , co-authored with Sidney G. Winter.5 A few other 
economists have tried to implement parts of the Schumpeterian system, 
particularly those having to do with innovation.6 
Most mainstream economists have been frustrated by the difficulty of 
operationalizing Schumpeter's models. His aversion to equilibrium as a 
realistic picture of capitalist economies restricts the mathematicization 
of his system. Then, too, because he insisted on fusing economics with 
history, sociology, and psychology, the number of variables becomes almost 
impossible for the analyst to control.7 
As a scholar Schumpeter never advanced a program of economic reform. He 
believed that doing so compromised "scientific" work. In particular he 
criticized Keynes and other English economists for their "Ricardian Vice" 
of leaping into policy debates with abstract models as general 
prescriptions for change.8 Schumpeter himself took a very different 
approach in _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_. 
_Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_ and Its Predecessor Book 
Schumpeter's core argument in _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_ is 
reducible to three major tenets: 
        1. The essence of capitalism is innovation ("creative destruction") 
in particular sectors. Certain standard tools of economics, such as static 
equilibrium and macroeconomic analysis, can therefore disguise reality and 
mislead scholars and students. 
        2. The virtues of capitalism--in particular its steady but gradual 
pattern of growth--are long-run and hard to see; its defects, such as 
inequality and apparent monopoly, are short-run and conspicuously visible. 
        3. It is dangerous for economists to prescribe "general" recipes, 
because political and social circumstances are always changing. 
_Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_ was Schumpeter's most popular 
success by far. Translated into at least sixteen languages, it still sells 
widely in paperback editions. Although the author often compared it 
unfavorably with his more scholarly books, it retains its seminal quality 
three generations after it appeared. 
Despite the book's title, it contains little of lasting interest about 
either socialism or democracy. But it bursts with ideas about capitalism, 
and as a "performance"--a term Schumpeter liked to apply to others' 
works--it may be the best analysis of capitalism ever written. 
Only three years before the appearance of this great work, Schumpeter had 
brought out another book he thought would be his magnum opus: the 1100-page 
_Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical, and Statistical Analysis of 
the Capitalist Process_. The virtues of the second book, _Capitalism, 
Socialism, and Democracy_, can be fully understood only against the 
shortcomings of this prior work. 
The first problem with _Business Cycles_ was its extraordinary and wholly 
unnecessary length. A second characteristic was the author's misguided 
attempt to turn business cycle patterns into predictive scientific wave 
theories borrowed from physics. As Schumpeter wrote, "Barring very few 
cases in which difficulties arise, it is possible to count off, 
historically as well as statistically, six Juglars [8-10-year business 
cycles] to a Kondratieff [50-60 years] and three Kitchins [40 months] to a 
Juglar--not as an average but in every individual case." Why this was so, 
he admitted, "is indeed difficult to see."9 As his former student Paul 
Samuelson wrote thirty-five years later, the whole exercise "began to smack 
of Pythagorean moonshine."10 
The third noteworthy aspect of _Business Cycles_ was its remarkable 
richness of historical detail and understanding. Though the explanation of 
cycles remained problematical, the historical vision was squarely on point: 
that capitalism--not all economic activity, just capitalism--is 
fundamentally an unstable, disequilibrating process.11 
Simon Kuznets, a macroeconomist and future Nobel laureate, wrote for the 
_American Economic Review_ a fifteen-page analysis of _Business Cycles_. It 
was the most thorough and important of the reviews, kindhearted in tone but 
still devastating. Kuznets conceded that Schumpeter had written a 
"monumental treatise" that raised all the right questions and did relate 
short-term business cycles to long-run economic movements. Still, Kuznets 
wrote, business cycles are essentially quantitative phenomena. Instead of 
robust statistical argument, Schumpeter had presented the reader with "an 
intellectual diary," an account of his own "journey through the realm of 
business cycles and capitalist evolution, a journal of his encounters there 
with numerous hypotheses, diverse historical facts, and statistical 
experiments." These efforts could not substitute for robust quantitative 
analysis.12 Two other reviewers noticed Schumpeter's implicit distaste for 
macroeconomics, referring to his "vigorous stand against 'the curse of 
aggregative thinking.'"13 
Given the harsh reception of _Business Cycles_, published only three years 
earlier, the content and also the detached and ironic tone of _Capitalism, 
Socialism and Democracy_ appear in a different light. It is as though 
Schumpeter, now deeply pessimistic about the state of the world, decided to 
unburden himself not only on economics but on a broad array of other 
subjects as well. Hence the candor and breadth of the 1942 book, which 
produced thousands of future citations by scholars in sociology, history, 
economics, and other disciplines.14 
Some of the major themes represent reworkings of ideas Schumpeter had first 
presented in articles published long before, while in his twenties (he was 
fifty-nine in 1942). A capitalist economy, he now wrote in _Capitalism, 
Socialism and Democracy_, "is not and cannot be stationary. Nor is it 
merely expanding in a steady manner. . . . Every situation is being upset 
before it has had time to work itself out. Economic progress, in capitalist 
society, means turmoil."15 
In a 54-page analysis of Karl Marx at the beginning of _Capitalism, 
Socialism and Democracy_, Schumpeter considers Marx as Prophet, 
Sociologist, Economist, and Teacher. It's hard to avoid the thought that 
the author construed himself in the same roles. Certainly his critique of 
Marx is full of insight: "Now Marx saw this process of industrial change 
more clearly and he realized its pivotal importance more fully than any 
other economist of his time." He accomplished a fusion of history and 
theory whose result represented something different from either one alone. 
Marx "was the first economist of top rank to see and to teach 
systematically how economic theory may be turned into historical analysis 
and how the historical narrative may be turned into histoire raisonée." 
Nevertheless, Schumpeter's final verdict is negative, because of the 
"failure of [Marx's] prediction of increasing misery," which in turn 
derived from "wrong vision and faulty analysis." Although Marx the 
economist and sociologist was mostly correct, Marx the prophet and teacher 
proved to be disastrously wrong.16 
As prophet, the same might be said of Schumpeter himself. On page 61 of 
_Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_ Schumpeter asks, "Can capitalism 
survive?", then replies, "No. I do not think it can."17 This provocative 
passage may have been sincere, or simply Schumpeter's way of getting the 
reader's full attention. His purpose was to lay bare the core nature of 
capitalism--to show how it works, to demonstrate why, on balance, it is a 
good thing; and then to highlight its fragility.18 
In response to the standard charge that capitalism distributes its fruits 
inequitably, Schumpeter points out that "Queen Elizabeth owned silk 
stockings. The capitalist achievement does not typically consist in 
providing more silk stockings for queens but in bringing them within the 
reach of factory girls in return for steadily decreasing amounts of effort. 
. . . the capitalist process, not by coincidence but by virtue of its 
mechanism, progressively raises the standard of life of the masses."19 
A by-product of capitalism is the dominance of all life by an economic 
calculus, which Schumpeter calls "rationality." He shows how powerfully the 
economic way of thinking bestows rewards and penalties: "Prizes and 
penalties are measured in pecuniary terms. Going up and going down means 
making and losing money. . . . The promises of wealth and the threats of 
destitution that [this arrangement] holds out, it redeems with ruthless 
promptitude." Constant, relentless change is the hallmark of capitalism. 
"It may seem strange that anyone can fail to see so obvious a fact which 
moreover was long ago emphasized by Karl Marx."20 
Underscoring the deficiencies of any conceptual system that proceeds from 
static assumptions, Schumpeter compares the universe of Adam Smith and 
other classical economists with the reality of modern industry. The 
classicists "recognized cases of 'monopoly,' and Smith himself carefully 
noticed the prevalence of devices to restrict competition." Yet neither 
Smith nor most other classical and neoclassical economists "saw that 
perfect competition is the exception and that even if it were the rule 
there would be much less reason for congratulation than one might think. If 
we look more closely at the conditions . . . that must be fulfilled in 
order to produce perfect competition, we realize immediately that outside 
of agricultural mass production there cannot be many instances of it."21 
Schumpeter contrasts this situation with modern business, parts of which 
involve constantly evolving oligopolies. These new situations do not easily 
lend themselves to mathematical modeling. In oligopolies, "there is in fact 
no determinate equilibrium at all and the possibility presents itself that 
there may be an endless sequence of moves and countermoves, an indefinite 
state of warfare between firms."22 
The contemporary structure of business is best understood as having evolved 
from long "organizational development." It reflects a "process of 
industrial mutation--if I may use that biological term--that incessantly 
revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying 
the old one, incessantly creating a new one."23 
In sum, the process is one of "creative destruction"--the sweeping out of 
old products, old enterprises, and old organizational forms by new ones. It 
is what capitalism consists in and what every capitalist concern has got to 
live in."24 For the scholar, this necessitates a lengthy time frame for 
analysis: "Every piece of business strategy acquires its true significance 
only against the background of that process and within the situation 
created by it. It must be seen in its role in the perennial gale of 
creative destruction; it cannot be understood irrespective of it or, in 
fact, on the hypothesis that there is a perennial lull. . . .  As long as 
this is not recognized, the investigator does a meaningless job.25 
One result of this approach should be a sharper focus on product quality 
and on marketing, and a reduced emphasis on price. "[I]n capitalist reality 
as distinguished from its textbook picture, it is not [price] competition 
which counts but the competition from the new commodity, the new 
technology, the new source of supply, the new type of organization (the 
largest-scale unit of control for instance)--competition which commands a 
decisive cost or quality advantage and which strikes not at the margins of 
the profits and the outputs of the existing firms but at their foundations 
and their very lives." A theoretical analysis that "neglects this essential 
element of the case . . . even if correct in logic as well as in fact, is 
like Hamlet without the Danish prince."26 
Schumpeter then turns to the question of monopoly. He mounts a devastating 
attack on what he regards as popular American attitudes toward this 
subject, which, in his judgment, spill over onto big business in general. 
Much of what Schumpeter says here was conditioned by what happened in the 
1930s, and specifically by New Dealers' assaults on big business. He argues 
that the very nature of giant, capital-intensive enterprise requires 
strategic behavior not contemplated by orthodox economic theory except to 
the extent that the theory holds such behavior monopolistic. As a matter of 
historical record, Schumpeter insists, long-run price rigidities are 
practically unknown. The same is true of long-run cases of monopoly, which 
are rarer than instances of perfect competition.27 
It seemed plain to Schumpeter that big business, instead of exploiting 
consumers, had radically elevated their living standards. Organizational 
innovation, not monopolistic profits, accounted for the prosperity of most 
great companies. They should be viewed with pride and awe, not with 
detestation and fear. "These units not only arise in the process of 
creative destruction and function in a way entirely different from the 
static scheme, but in many cases of decisive importance they provide the 
necessary form for the achievement. They largely create what they exploit." 
Monopoly rents might flow for awhile, but they are inevitably temporary, 
"the prizes offered by capitalist society to the successful innovator." 
Under capitalism, the idea of a permanent monopoly is ludicrous, especially 
in manufacturing.28 
Schumpeter next mounts a savage assault on the idea of perfect competition. 
He implies that it has evolved from an analytical tool of theoretical 
economics into an ideal toward which theory should guide public policy. 
This, he suggests, is catastrophic: 
        If we try to visualize how perfect competition works or would work 
in the process of creative destruction, we arrive at a still more 
discouraging result. . . . In the last resort, [cases approaching perfect 
competition, such as] American agriculture, English coal mining, [and] the 
English textile industry are costing consumers much more and are affecting 
total output much more injuriously than they would if controlled, each of 
them, by a dozen good brains.29 
Pushing his analysis to its limits, Schumpeter identifies capitalist 
entrepreneurship with technological progress itself. As a matter of 
historical record, they were "essentially one and the same thing," the 
first being "the propelling force" of the second."30 
At this point in the book, Schumpeter begins to lay the foundations for his 
famous argument that capitalism contains the seeds of its own 
destruction--not for economic reasons but for sociological ones. His 
reasoning proceeds as follows:31 
        1. In pre-capitalist times, no sheer economic achievement, by 
itself, could advance anyone into the ruling class.     2. When capitalism 
began to develop, persons of "supernormal ability and ambition" became 
upwardly mobile provided they would "turn to business." 
        3. It was hard to succeed in business, yet success remained 
inglorious: "no flourishing of swords about it, not much physical prowess, 
no chance to gallop the armored horse into the enemy. . . . The stock 
exchange is a poor substitute for the Holy Grail."      4. There can be no 
assurance that people are "happier" or "better off" under industrialism 
than in the medieval manor or village. Efficiency is only one of many human 
desiderata, and perhaps not the most important one. 
        5. So the future of capitalism can't be assured purely because of 
its economic superiority. "I am not going to argue, on the strength of that 
performance, that the capitalist intermezzo is likely to be prolonged." 
        6. Capitalism all but destroyed most of the secular underpinnings 
of civilized society--the manor, village, and craft guild. Yet it replaced 
these institutions with nothing: no idealism, no sense of organic life, no 
essential ability for social organization of a non-economic nature.     7. 
In particular, the talents necessary for economic success don't translate 
well into other realms of life. "A genius in the business office may be, 
and often is, utterly unable outside of it to say boo to a goose--both in 
the drawing room and on the platform."  8. So, without protection from some 
other source, "the bourgeoisie is politically helpless and unable not only 
to lead its nation but even to take care of its particular class interest." 
        9. Because capitalist evolution, and particularly the rise of big 
business, attacks masses of small producers and merchants, it alienates its 
natural allies, indirectly giving reinforcements to the enemy.  10. The 
substitution of a share of stock for tangible goods "takes the life out of 
the idea of property." If this process goes on long enough and thoroughly 
enough, "there will be nobody left who really cares to stand for 
        11. Capitalism works gradual changes within the psyches of 
individuals. By reducing everything to an economic calculus, it 
"rationalizes" thinking. It "creates a critical frame of mind which, after 
having destroyed the moral authority of so many other institutions, in the 
end turns against its own."     12. The philosophical case for capitalism 
is beyond the intellectual capacity of most persons, even most economists. 
"Why, practically every nonsense that has ever been said about capitalism 
has been championed by some professed economist." 
        13. Most important, the case for capitalism "must rest on long-run 
considerations." In the short run, it is impossible for most people, even 
intellectuals, to ignore exasperating "profits and inefficiencies" and 
focus instead on long-range trends. 
        14. Uniquely among types of societies, capitalism is so successful 
economically that it "creates, educates and subsidizes a vested interest in 
social unrest." It underwrites a class of hostile intellectuals who have no 
"direct responsibility for practical affairs" and little experience in 
managing anything. 
        15. The rise of mass media makes this situation more dangerous by 
multiplying the access of demagogues to short-run human instincts and 
desires. In the process, "public policy grows more and more hostile to 
capitalist interests." 
        16. Bureaucracies in Europe antedate the capitalist epoch and owe 
no allegiance to bourgeois values. Bureaucracies in America, however, with 
no real civil service tradition, hold onto their antipathy toward 
capitalism because they don't grasp the vast stakes at issue. Given the 
"legislative, administrative and judicial practice born of that hostility, 
entrepreneurs and capitalists--in fact the whole stratum that accepts the 
bourgeois scheme of life--will eventually cease to function." 
        17. Most alarming of all, the bourgeois family may disintegrate. As 
soon as men and women "introduce into their private life a sort of 
inarticulate system of cost accounting," they will become aware that 
"children cease to be economic assets." When this happens, the last pillar 
of bourgeois society will fall. 
        Much of Schumpeter's argument here might be interpreted as a cry 
from the heart of a brilliant but unlucky European elitist, who had 
witnessed one catastrophe after another during the bloody first half of the 
twentieth century. Even in contemporary America, a unique opportunity for 
the development of an advanced capitalist society stood on the edge of 
disaster. It was happening in the United States because of the Great 
Depression, the ascendance of fascism and communism in Europe, and the 
onset of World War II. It had not happened earlier because "The scheme of 
values that arose from the national task of developing the economic 
possibilities of the country drew nearly all the brains into business and 
impressed the businessman's attitudes upon the soul of the nation."32 
Schumpeter professed to see not only the decline of capitalism but also the 
ultimate triumph of socialism. "Can socialism work?" he asks. "Of course it 
can." In large part, it can work because it inspires people to noble ends, 
to something larger than themselves. Socialism implies "a new cultural 
world" whose psychic rewards may be worth the price of optimal economic 
efficiency. For true believers, "Socialist bread may well taste sweeter to 
them than capitalist bread simply because it is socialist bread, and it 
would do so even if they found mice in it."33 
Despite memorable aphorisms such as this one, Schumpeter's analysis of 
socialism and democracy is a good deal less compelling than his dissection 
of capitalism. He says of democracy that it is best understood not as a 
system but merely a "method"--an "institutional arrangement for arriving at 
political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by 
means of a competitive struggle for the people's vote." Of course there is 
much more to democracy than this, but Schumpeter's real interests lie 
At the very end of _Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_, Schumpeter 
delivers a philippic about the intrusion of modern government, and 
specifically the New Deal state, into economic life. He mentions 
counter-cyclical policies, redistributive taxation, antitrust, price 
controls, monetary policy, the regulation of labor, securities legislation, 
and the "indefinite extension of the sphere of wants" to be supplied by 
public enterprise. Yet, ever the "scientist" reluctant to succumb to the 
Ricardian Vice, Schumpeter closes with this remarkable statement: "It would 
spell complete misunderstanding of my argument if you thought that I 
"disapprove" or wish to criticize any of these policies. Nor am I one of 
those who label all or some of them "socialist."35 
        The Book's Reception 
_Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_ received a modicum of attention in 
1942, when it was first published. A second edition, which appeared in 
1946, attracted wider notice, and the third, in 1950, became an 
international best-seller. 
Reviewing the first edition, the Cambridge economist Joan Robinson found 
that Schumpeter "has little love for socialism, and none at all for 
socialists. His natural sympathy is all with the heroic age of expanding 
capitalism." Herself a leading theorist of imperfect competition, Robinson 
found Schumpeter's analysis of that subject the "most brilliant" part of 
the book: "his argument blows like a gale through the dreary pedantry of 
static analysis." Although Schumpeter had little to say about contrary 
evidence, especially in his argument about the fadeout of capitalism and 
its replacement by socialism, "The reader is swept along by the freshness, 
the dash, the impetuosity of Professor Schumpeter's stream of argument." 
Whether or not the reader was totally convinced, "this book is worth the 
whole parrot-house of contemporary orthodoxies, right, left, or centre."36 
Reviewing the 1946 edition of _Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_, Arthur 
M. Schlesinger, Jr. wrote that the book "burst into the generally sterile 
atmosphere of political discussion like a collection of firecrackers and 
skyrockets." Schumpeter's analysis made it pointless to keep repeating 
mindless slogans about the evils of monopoly. Even if he were wrong, "there 
is no percentage in dodging the uncomfortable points he raises. The 
intellectual rigor of his analysis sets a standard that liberal writers 
should try to meet." The book "is the performance of an intellectual 
virtuoso, brilliant, complex, perfectly controlled."37 
In 1981, a retrospective analysis of the book appeared, entitled 
_Schumpeter's Vision: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy After 40 
Years_.38 Here several of Schumpeter's former students and associates 
joined with some European scholars in evaluating the book's legacy. Paul 
Samuelson led off, conceding that the subject under discussion was "a great 
book." He added that from a game theoretic viewpoint Schumpeter might have 
taken account of the propensity of democratic groups to change the nature 
of capitalism and to bend it to their own self-interest. Schumpeter's 
praise of Marx for "being learned, bold to speculate, and broad in his 
dynamic vision" describes Schumpeter himself, Marx thereby being "a 
veritable chip off the new block." Yet "Schumpeter was of all my teachers 
the one whose economics was essentially farthest from Marx's."39 
The sociologist Tom Bottomore, a man of the Left, lamented Schumpeter's 
disinclination to cast his analysis in terms of economic and social class. 
Thus, he had overlooked some important changes that now (in the 1980s) were 
clearer: "A very large part of the middle class, in spite of variations. . 
. has maintained a political orientation which is much more favourable to 
parties of the right and the centre than to those of the left. . . . 
[Schumpeter] thought that the 'march into socialism' was well-nigh 
irresistible, and deplored the fact. I, on the contrary, think that this 
'march' has come to an untimely halt, and regret the eclipse of the highest 
ideal that has emerged in modern Western culture."40 
In a third essay, Schumpeter's fellow Austrian and longtime Harvard 
colleague Gottfried Haberler wrote that although Schumpeter never said so 
in _Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_, it was clear that his "real 
feeling" was "that capitalism or the 'bourgeois' society is very much worth 
fighting for." Schumpeter's forecast of capitalism's downfall "has shocked 
and puzzled many people. If all qualifications, reservations, and 
elucidations are given their proper attention, however, the forecast of 
capitalism's early doom becomes less apodictic and the demise of capitalism 
loses much of its inevitability." Then, too, Schumpeter's emphasis on 
rising resentment of taxation anticipated the American tax revolt that 
began in the 1970s, a movement of extraordinary importance.41 
The economist Robert L. Heilbroner, a first-rate stylist himself, judged 
_Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_ partly on artistic terms: "There is 
[in the book] a great deal of attitudinizing. . . an open delight in epater 
le bourgeois and tweaking the noses of radicals. There is also pomposity 
and pedantry, mixed with an arrogance that teeters on the edge of a 
dangerous elitism." Yet the book remains full of "perceptive insights," 
such as Schumpeter's remark that "The evolution of the capitalist lifestyle 
is best described 'in terms of the genesis of the modern lounge suit,' a 
remark worthy of Thorstein Veblen."42 
Arthur Smithies, Schumpeter's former student and colleague, saw 
_Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_ in part as a reaction against 
Keynesianism. Schumpeter had openly derided the "stagnation thesis" 
introduced in Keynes's _General Theory_. This thesis holds that as a 
country grows richer investment opportunities shrink but the propensity to 
save increases; therefore savings and investment balance only at high 
unemployment. "If valid," wrote Smithies, "the long-run Keynesian argument 
provided an impregnable case for socialism." Yet Schumpeter saw that the 
underpinnings of the stagnation thesis were the atypical conditions of the 
Great Depression. He "maintained his sanity" and insisted that such 
problems were not permanent but cyclical. As for Schumpeter's concern with 
inflation, in the 1940s Anglo-American economists thought it "obsessive," 
but in fact Schumpeter proved remarkably prescient.43 
Herbert K. Zassenhaus, another economist from the generation just behind 
Schumpeter, detected "a certain mysticism" in _Capitalism, Socialism, and 
Democracy_. "In the shape of the 'entrepreneur,'" Schumpeter introduces "a 
social miracle in the precise sense of the word: an event beyond the laws 
of nature and society."44 
In perhaps the most telling of all the retrospective comments, the Dutch 
scholar Henrik Wilm Lambers recalled Schumpeter's influence on him as a 
youth and the continued appeal of his book. In _Capitalism, Socialism and 
Democracy_, Lambers wrote, "Schumpeter accomplished the feat of moving five 
layers of thought--the firm, the markets, the institutions, the cultural 
values, the leaders of society--as one interwoven dynamic process. With 
incomparable skill he made history go through time as one stream." Lambers' 
own students were invariably taken with the book: "After many an oral 
graduate examination, I have often heard remarks like: 'to be honest, the 
one stimulating book was Schumpeter'." Radical and conservative students 
alike "say, each in their own way, 'he keeps me puzzled: is it my fault or 
did he intend to?'"45 
_Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_ continues to puzzle and provoke 
readers--to make them think, to question their own perceptions measured 
against their own ideologies and to wonder about the author's intentions. 
Only the very greatest books do this, and age so well. 
1. Tibor Scitovsky, "Can Capitalism Survive? -- An Old Question in a New 
Setting," Ely Lecture, _American Economic Review_, 70 (May 1980), p. 1; 
Martin Kessler, "The Synthetic Vision of Joseph Schumpeter," _Review of 
Politics_, 23 (July 1961), p. 334; O. Morgenstern, "Obituary," _Economic 
Journal_, 61 (March 1951), p. 203. 
2. Chandler, _Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the 
Industrial Enterprise_, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1962, p. 284; and 
Chandler, _Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism_, 
Cambridge: Harvard University Press) pp. 597, 830-831 n1. 3. See, for 
example, Lazonick, _Competitive Advantage on the Shop Floor_, Cambridge: 
Harvard University Press, 1990, pp. 3, 10, 323-324; and Rosenberg, "Joseph 
Schumpeter: Radical Economist," in _Exploring the Black Box: Technology, 
Economics, and History_, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. 
Schumpeter often spoke on the relationship between history and theory: 
"Personally, I believe that there is an incessant give and take between 
historical and theoretical analysis and that, though for the investigation 
of individual questions it may be necessary to sail for a time on one tack 
only, yet on principle the two should never lose sight of each other"; see 
Schumpeter's 1949 essay, "Economic Theory and Entrepreneurial History," 
reprinted in Richard V. Clemence, editor, [Schumpeter's] _Essays: On 
Entrepreneurs, Innovations, Business Cycles, and the Evolution of 
Capitalism_, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1989. See also 
Schumpeter, "The Creative Response in Economic History," _Journal of 
Economic History_, 7 (November 1947). 4. Porter, _The Competitive Advantage 
of Nations_, New York: Free Press, 1990, p. 778 n.46. 
5. Frederic M. Scherer, _Innovation and Growth: Schumpeterian 
Perspectives_, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984. Richard R. Nelson and Sidney 
G. Winter, _An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change_, Cambridge, MA: 
Harvard University Press, 1982. Part V of this book (pp. 273-351) is 
entitled "Schumpeterian Competition," and in it the authors try, 
mathematically, to apply Schumpeter's insights to the process of 
6. See, in general, Richard V. Clemence and Francis S. Doody, _The 
Schumpeterian System_, Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1950. For more 
specialized efforts, and critiques of them, see Carolyn Shaw Solo, 
"Innovation in the Capitalist Process: A Critique of the Schumpeterian 
Theory," _Quarterly Journal of Economics_, 65 (August 1951), pp. 417-428; 
Franklin M. Fisher and Peter Temin, "Returns to Scale in Research and 
Development: What Does the Schumpeterian Hypothesis Imply?" _Journal of 
Political Economy_, 81 (January/February 1973), pp. 56-70 [see also 
Comments by Carlos Alfredo Rodriguez and Reply by the authors in _Journal 
of Political Economy_, 87 (April 1979), pp. 383-389]; Morton I. Kamien and 
Nancy L. Schwartz, "Market Structure and Innovation: A Survey," _Journal of 
Economic Literature_, 13 (March 1975), pp. 1-37; Carl A. Futia, 
"Schumpeterian Competition," _Quarterly Journal of Economics_, 94 (June 
1980), pp. 675-695; Meir Kohn and John T. Scott, "Scale Economies in 
Research and Development: The Schumpeterian Hypothesis," _Journal of 
Industrial Economics_, 30 (March 1982), pp. 239-249; and Horst Hanusch, 
editor, _Evolutionary Economics: Applications of Schumpeter's Ideas_, 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 
7. During the 1990s the Schumpeter literature became especially voluminous, 
with articles in such publications as the _Journal of Evolutionary 
Economics_ and the _Journal of Institutional Economics_. These pieces often 
drew as much on Schumpeter's sociology as on his economics. Several sought 
to apply biology to Schumpeter's evolutionary analysis. 
8. Schumpeter actually used the word "sins": "I did not exactly wish to put 
Ricardo and Keynes on the same level, but I do think that there is striking 
similarity between their sins." (Letter to Arthur W. Marget, Feb. 24, 1937, 
Schumpeter Papers, Harvard University Archives.) 9. Joseph A. Schumpeter, 
_Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical, and Statistical Analysis of 
the Capitalist Process_, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1939, Volume I, pp. 169, 
173, 174. 10. Samuelson, "Joseph A. Schumpeter," _Dictionary of American 
Biography, Supplement Four, 1946-1950_, New York: Scribner, 1974, p. 723. 
11. In this book the orientation appears most clearly in some vivid 
passages on pages 220-245 of Volume I. 
12. Simon Kuznets, _American Economic Review_, 30 (June 1940), pp. 257, 
13. E. Rothbarth, _Economic Journal_, 52 (June-Sept. 1942), p. 229; J. 
Marschak, _Journal of Political Economy_, 48 (Dec. 1940), p. 892. 14. An 
insightful analysis of Schumpeter's state of mind when he wrote 
_Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_ may be found in Chapter 7 of Richard 
Swedberg, _Schumpeter: A Biography_, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University 
Press, 1991. 
15. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, New York: Harper Torchbook 
Edition, 1976, pp. 31-32. 
16. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, p. 32, 34, 44. 17. _Capitalism, 
Socialism, and Democracy_, p. 61. 18. In the revised edition of 
_Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_ appears Schumpeter's final paper, 
"The March into Socialism" (December 1949). Here he speaks candidly about 
capitalism's social implications: "Capitalism does not merely mean that the 
housewife may influence production by her choice between peas and beans; or 
that the youngster may choose whether he wants to work in a factory or on a 
farm; or that plant managers have some voice in deciding what and how to 
produce: it means a scheme of values, an attitude toward life, a 
civilization--the civilization of inequality and of the family fortune" (p. 
419). 19. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, pp. 67-68. 20. 
_Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, pp. 73-74, 77 n1, 82. In _History 
of Economic Analysis_, published posthumously (New York: Oxford University 
Press, 1954), Schumpeter wrote that in capitalism, "Disequilibrium prevails 
throughout, but Marx saw that this disequilibrium is the very life of 
capitalism" (p. 1051). 21. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, pp. 
78-79. 22. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, p. 79. 23. _Capitalism, 
Socialism, and Democracy_, p. 83. 24. _Capitalism, Socialism, and 
Democracy_, p. 83. 25. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, pp. 83-84. 
26. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, pp. 84-86. 27. _Capitalism, 
Socialism, and Democracy_, pp. 93, 99. 28. _Capitalism, Socialism, and 
Democracy_, pp. 101-102. 29. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, pp. 
104-106. 30. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, p. 110. Schumpeter 
adds that making such a distinction is "quite wrong--and also quite 
31. My summary here is abstracted from _Capitalism, Socialism and 
Democracy_, pp. 124-157. 
32. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, p. 331. This point echoes one 
of Schumpeter's pet themes: that all societies suffer from a paucity of 
first-rate talent. Legal issues, labor problems, price control issues, and 
antitrust prosecutions add up to a "drain on entrepreneurial and managerial 
energy." So much effort is expended on such issues that an executive often 
"has no steam left for dealing with his technological and commercial 
problems." One consequence is that except in very large companies, which 
can afford numerous specialists, "leading [management] positions tend to be 
filled by 'fixers' and 'trouble shooters' rather than by 'production men'" 
(p. 388.) 
33. _Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, pp. 167, 170, 190. 34. 
_Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy_, p. 269. 35. _Capitalism, Socialism, 
and Democracy_, p. 418. This passage is from Schumpeter's last address, 
delivered to the American Economic Association in December, 1949, three 
weeks before his death. The address was entitled "The March into 
Socialism." 36. Joan Robinson, in the _Economic Journal_, 53 (December 
1943), pp. 381-383. 
37. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in _The Nation_, April 26, 1947, pp. 
38. Arnold Heertje, editor, _Schumpeter's Vision: Capitalism, Socialism and 
Democracy after 40 Years_, New York: Praeger, 1981. 39. Paul A. Samuelson, 
"Schumpeter's Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy," in _Schumpeter's 
Vision_, pp. 1, 13, and passim. 40. Tom Bottomore, "The Decline of 
Capitalism, Sociologically Considered," in _Schumpeter's Vision_, pp. 
22-29, 44. 41. Gottfried Haberler, "Schumpeter's _Capitalism, Socialism and 
Democracy after Forty Years_," in _Schumpeter's Vision_, pp. 70, 71, 74-75, 
83, 84, 89. 
42. Robert L. Heilbroner, "Was Schumpeter Right?" in _Schumpeter's Vision_, 
pp. 95, 96, 99-100, 101-102, 106. 43. Arthur Smithies, "Schumpeter's 
Predictions," in _Schumpeter's Vision_, pp. 130-132, 145-146. 
44. Herbert K. Zassenhaus, "_Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_: The 
'Vision' and the 'Theories,'" in _Schumpeter's Vision_, pp. 173, 176, 181, 
45. Hendrik Wilm Lambers, "The Vision," in _Schumpeter's Vision_, pp. 
Thomas K. McCraw is the Isidor Straus Professor of Business History at the 
Harvard Business School and editor of the _Business History Review_. He is 
author of _Morgan Versus Lilienthal_ (William P. Lyons Award, 1970), _TVA 
and the Power Fight_ (1971), co-author of _Management Past and Present_ 
(1996); and editor of _Regulation in Perspective_ (1981), _America Versus 
Japan_ (1986), _The Essential Alfred Chandler_ (1988), and _Creating Modern 
Capitalism_ (1997). His book _Prophets of Regulation_ won both the Pulitzer 
Prize in History for 1985 and the Thomas Newcomen Award for 1986. His 
_American Business, 1920-2000: How It Worked_ (2000) was recently reviewed 
on EH.NET. 
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