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The Italian literature on public goods is largely untranslated, although
Musgrave and Peacock collection does contain some translated
with some from Wicksell and other assorted continental thinkers. There is
nice survey of the Italian literature written by Jim Buchanan. An appendix
to Buchanan and Tullock's THE CALCULUS OF CONSENT also contains a nice
historical survey.
Finally, I would dispute the notion that things really begin with
As Larry Willmore notes, there is more than a little in Mill, and there is
plenty in Pigou's ECONOMICS OF WELFARE. The mid-19th-century French
engineering tradition makes some useful contributions to the public good
literature--e.g., in the cost-benefit work of Jules Dupuit and others.
I append some article and book references.
Black, Duncan (1955), “Wicksell’s Principle in the Distribution of
In J.K. Eastham, ed., Economic Essays in Commemoration of the Dundee School
of Economics 1931-1955. Coupar Angus: William Culross and Son.
______ (1958), The Theory of Committees and Elections, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
______ (1996), “How Expenditure of the Tax Proceeds Came to be Disregarded
in the Theory of Incidence,” in Gordon L. Brady and Gordon Tullock, eds.,
Formal Contributions to the Theory of Public Choice: The Unpublished Works
of Duncan Black, Boston: Kluwer.
Buchanan, James M. (1960), “La Scienza delle finanze: The Italian Tradition
in Fiscal Theory,” in James M. Buchanan, Fiscal Theory and Political
Economy: Selected Essays. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina
Press. Reprinted in James M. Buchanan, Economics: Between Predictive
Science and Moral Philosophy, edited by Robert D. Tollison and Viktor J.
VanBerg. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1987.
Buchanan, James M. and Gordon Tullock (1962), The Calculus of Consent, Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
De Viti De Marco, Antonio (1936), First Principles of Public Finance,
translated from the Italian by Edith Pavlo Marget, London: Jonathan Cape.
Einaudi, Luigi (1936), “Introduction,” in Antonio De Viti De Marco, First
Principles of Public Finance, translated from the Italian by Edith Pavlo
Marget, London: Jonathan Cape.
Head, John G. (1974), Public Goods and Public Welfare. Durham, NC: Duke
University Press.
______ (1982), “Wicksell and Pareto: Their Relationship in the Theory of
Public Finance,” History of Political Economy 14 (Spring): 37-64.
in Pieter Hennipman, Welfare Economics and the Theory of Economic Policy,
edited by Donald Walker, Arnold Heertje, and Hans van den Doel. Aldershot:
Edward Elgar, 1995, pp. 214-39.
Kayaalp, Orhan (1985), “Public Choice Elements in the Italian Theory of
Public Goods,” Public Finance/Finances Publiques 3: 395-410.
______ (1988), “Ugo Mazzola and the Italian Theory of Public Goods,”
of Political Economy 20 (Spring): 15-25.
______ (1989), “Early Italian Contributions to the Theory of Public
Pantaleoni, De Viti de Marco, and Mazzola,” in Donald A. Walker, ed.,
Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, Volume 1: Classical and
Neoclassical Economic Thought. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp. 155-166.
Mazzola, Ugo (1890), “The Formation of the Prices of Public Goods,”
translated by Elizabeth Henderson. In Richard A. Musgrave and Alan T.
Peacock, eds., Classics in the Theory of Public Finance. London: Macmillan,
1958, pp. 37-47. Originally published as I dati scientifici della finanza
pubblica, Rome 1890, Chapter IX, pp. 159-83.
Montemartini, Giovanni (1900), “The Fundamental Principles of a Pure Theory
of Public Finance,” translated by D. Bevan. In Richard A. Musgrave and
T. Peacock, eds., Classics in the Theory of Public Finance. London:
Macmillan, 1958, pp. 137-51. Originally published as “Le basi fondamentali
di una scienza finanziaria pura,” Giornale degli Economisti, 1900, II.
Musgrave, Richard A. (1959), The Theory of Public Finance. New York:
Musgrave, Richard A. and Alan T. Peacock (1958), “Introduction,” in
in the Theory of Public Finance. London: Macmillan, pp. ix-xix.
Pantaleoni, Maffeo (1883), “Contribution to the Theory of the Distribution
of Public Expenditure,” translated by D. Bevan. In Richard A. Musgrave and
Alan T. Peacock, eds., Classics in the Theory of Public Finance. London:
Macmillan, 1958, pp. 16-27. Originally published as “Contributo alla
del riparto delle spese pubbliche,” Rassegna Italiana, October 15, 1883;
reprinted in Maffeo Pantaleoni, Scritti varii di Economia, Vol. 1, Rome
1904, pp. 49-110.
Peacock, Alan (1987), “Wicksell and Public Choice,” in John Eatwell, Murray
Milgate, and Peter Newman, eds., The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of
Economics. London: Macmillan, pp. 692-95.
______ (1992), Public Choice Analysis in Historical Perspective, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Puviani, Amilcare (1897), Teoria della illusione nelle entrate publiche.
Robbins, Lionel (1952), The Theory of Economic Policy in English Classical
Political Economy. London: Macmillan.
Samuels, Warren J. (1966), The Classical Theory of Economic Policy.
Cleveland: World.
Sax, Emil (1924), “The Valuation Theory of Taxation,” translated by
Elizabeth Henderson. In Richard A. Musgrave and Alan T. Peacock, eds.,
Classics in the Theory of Public Finance. London: Macmillan, 1958, pp.
Simons, Henry C. (1937), “Review of First Principles of Public Finance by
Antonio de Viti de Marco,” American Economic Review 45 (October): 712-17.
Wagner, Adolf (1883), “Three Extracts on Public Finance,” translated by
Nancy Cooke. In Richard A. Musgrave and Alan T. Peacock, eds., Classics in
the Theory of Public Finance. London: Macmillan, 1958, pp. 1-15.
Wicksell, Knut (1896a), Finanztheoretische Untersuchungen, Jena: Gustav
______ (1896b), “A New Principle of Just Taxation,” translated by J.M.
Buchanan. In Richard A. Musgrave and Alan T. Peacock, eds., Classics in
Theory of Public Finance. London: Macmillan, 1958, pp. 72-118.
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