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Sender: Societies for the History of Economics <[log in to unmask]>
From: Humberto Barreto <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2022 07:44:51 -0400
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[Selections by Humberto Barreto for SHOE list.]

nep-hpe <> New Economics Papers
<> on History and Philosophy of Economics

Issue of 2022‒09‒05
papers chosen by
Erik Thomson <>
University of Manitoba <>


   1. Choice That’s Rational
   <> By Chatterjee,
   2. The economics of class. A dual approach.
   <> By Fernando
   Esteve Mora
   ; Rafael Muñoz De Bustillo Llorente
   3. Inequality and Growth: A Review on a Great Open Debate in Economics
   <> By Foellmi,
   Reto <,%20Reto>
   ; Baselgia, Enea


   1. Choice That’s Rational
   By: Chatterjee, Sidharta
   Abstract: In this paper, I discuss about the axiomatic basis of rational
   choice theory—the theory that is behind making rational choice and
   decisions. To make rational choices, we would require thinking rationally
   and understanding the reason and logic behind what makes a choice rational,
   and how we need to choose rationally. Decisions are made under various
   circumstances, i.e., under risk, and often under compulsion. In social
   choice theory, decisions are made by different types of decision making
   entities, i.e., committees, groups, individuals and collective judgments by
   various types of organizations, etc. This paper highlights these issues and
   addresses the fundamental tenets of making rational choices by examining
   and following the previous workings of experts on this field. As such, it
   introduces a novel concept and the idea of Social Choice Rationality in
   choosing what’s rational.
   Keywords: Choice, decision making, rational choice, social choice
   theory, Social Choice Rationality, Social welfare, welfare actions
   JEL: I3 Z1 <>
   Date: 2022–07–25
   2. The economics of class. A dual approach.
   By: Fernando Esteve Mora
    (UAM); Rafael Muñoz De Bustillo Llorente
   Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present a novel proposal to define
   social classes from the economic perspective. This paper draws on a
   previous working paper (Muñoz de Bustillo and Esteve, 2022) that discusses
   the demise of the concept of social classes in economic analysis derived
   from the triumph of Neoclassical Theory, its substitution in recent times
   by the definition of social classes based on ad-hoc aggregation of deciles
   of people in the income distribution, and the convenience to explore new
   ways of defining social classes from an economic perspective. The proposal
   presented in this paper regarding social classes is based on two different
   elements. The first one is the participation or exclusion of a given person
   from the economic surplus. The second one is its position, both in terms of
   income and consumption, in relation to the necessary consumption, C*, and
   average income, Y. These concepts allow defining three different social
   classes: Low, Middle and High, that can be further divided in subclasses up
   to a total of seven. A second, and less developed part of the paper reviews
   the role of economic power in explaining the allocation of different people
   in the above-mentioned social classes.
   Keywords: Social classes, Classical political economy, Surplus approach
   Date: 2022–08
   3. Inequality and Growth: A Review on a Great Open Debate in Economics
   By: Foellmi, Reto
   Enea <,%20Enea>
   Abstract: What is the relationship between inequality and growth? This
   question has occupied and fascinated social scientists for more than a
   century. This chapter critically reviews the recent empirical and
   theoretical literature on the complex interplay between inequality and
   economic growth. Inequality might come in many forms: (top) incomes, wages,
   wealth, land or opportunities. At the same time, growth performance could
   be measured as average growth rates, variability of growth or the potential
   for growth to "take off". This survey considers causality running from
   inequality to growth; hence, the Kuznets hypothesis is only touched on in
   passing. The empirical literature estimating the effect of inequality on
   growth has produced a wide range of results, precluding clear-cut
   conclusions on the inequality-growth relationship. Consequently, it remains
   central to understand the underlying economic causes and channels through
   which (different aspects of) inequality can promote or hamper economic
   growth. This chapter aims to provide a broad overview of the contemporary
   results and an outline for prospective empirical and theoretical work.
   Keywords: Economic Growth, Inequality, Redistribution, Theory and
   JEL: D30 O10 O31 O40
   Date: 2022–07

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