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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Kevin Mac Donnell <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Aug 2010 08:16:34 -0500
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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
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Roger Durrett is our second place winner! (Roger--contact me off-list with 
your mailing address and tell me which book you want).

The first place winner, who replied with the correct answers in 
record-breaking time off-list, is Sharon McCoy.

It is possible that Steve Courtney's answers are correct, and that Henry 
Ward Beecher met  ED, but I'm still trying to hunt down proof of their 
having met. Beecher visited the Evergreens (the home of Emily's brother 
Austin who lived next door to her) several times, but as those familiar with 
her biography already know, that alone doesn't make the case since she 
didn't bother to meet many famous people who visited her brother, and often 
hid upstairs when visitors came to her father's home. Twain met Beecher 
quite a few times, first in NY, and later in Hartford. If anybody can 
document a meeting between ED and Beecher then Steve also gets a book and 
we'll add a fourth name to the roster of mutual friends of Sam and Emily.

PS: The full text of ED's poem "I heard a fly buzz when I died" is widely 
available online. You are welcome to compare it with my far superior version 
in which the fly dies instead of the narrator, and some Twain gets read. 
I've stuffed the original manuscript of my poem into my dresser drawer along 
with the other 2,000 poems I've written on the fly.

Mac Donnell Rare Books
9307 Glenlake Drive
Austin TX 78730
Member: ABAA, ILAB
You may browse our books at

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: Three pals of Emily & Sam

> OK, Kevin, I'm going to give it another go   --
> 1. Thomas Wentworth Higginson -- met with Emily Dickinson twice. The  1st
> time
> she greeted him with two day lilies.   He wrote for The Atlantic, and
> commanded
> the first black  regiment of Civil War troops, which took Jacksonsville
> with five
> steamboats.  He met Twain in 1905 through the Dublin  Society and they
> became
> friends. Higginson critiqued  Dickinson's poems and corresponded with her
> for years.
> They first met at Dickinson's father's house in Amherst on August 16, 
> 1870.
> 2.  Samuel Bowles -- began as an "intern" at his father's  paper, The
> Springfield
> Republican, which he took  over and made his career when his father died.
> Published some of Dickinson' poems.  In October of 1868, SLC and  Sam
> Bowles met face-to-face in Springfield, Mass.  where Twain later related 
> to
> the Alta California  that Bowles' interest in the Pacific area "remains
> unabated."  *
> *note:  from Barb Schmidt's site, , which cited the
> Mark Twain's  Letters, Volume 3, 1869, p.267.  Dickinson first met  Bowles
> at The Evergreens, the house in Amherst in  which her older brother 
> Austin,
> and his wife Susan,  lived.  They had married in 1856, and Bowles was 
> their
> first house-guest.  Also, he is the candidate  some favor as being the 
> focus
> of DIckinson's  romantic life, if such a state ever actually existed.
> 3.  Charles  Wadsworth -- a Presbyterian minister in Philadelphia, and
> often  hinted
> at as being the other possible love interest  in Emily Dickinson's life.
> He met her
> in 1855  when she made a trip to Philadelphia to seek treatment for
> continuing
> eye problems.  In 1862 Wadsworth moved to San  Francisco.  On April 6, 
> 1868
> Twain gave a  speech to the Literary Society at Wadsworth's church, at
> which
> time, I am assuming, hopefully correctly, that  they met face-to-face.
> Fun contest, once again.  Thanks for the  challenge.
> Roger Durrett
> Charlotte, NC
> In a message dated  8/7/2010 7:39:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> [log in to unmask]  writes:
> That's two out of three (I'm not saying which two) but you need to 
> provide
> the details of how/when/where they met  face-to-face...
> Kevin
> @
> Mac Donnell Rare Books
> 9307 Glenlake  Drive
> Austin TX 78730
> 512-345-4139
> Member: ABAA,  ILAB
> *************************
> You may browse our books  at
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From:  "Steve Courtney" <[log in to unmask]>
> To:  <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2010 6:20 PM
> Subject:  Three pals of Emily & Sam
>> Kevin -- Thomas W. Higginson=2C  Henry Ward Beecher=2C Samuel Bowles? --
>> Reg=
>> ards=2C  Steve
>> Steve Courtney
>> 7 Union St.
>> Terryville=2C  CT 06786
>> 860-589-6412
>> [log in to unmask]
>>        =
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