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Barbara Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 13 Mar 2005 18:54:56 -0600
text/plain (30 lines)

_Victorian Hartford_ by Tomas J. Nenortas. Softcover. 128 pages. 200 black
and white photos. Arcadia Publishing, 2005. ISBN 0-7385-3713-6. $19.99.
From the Postcard History Series, this book features an extensive
collection of postcards from 19th century Hartford. Many scenes are of
buildings and structures no longer standing and it is likely they were
familiar to Samuel Clemens.  The book contains ten pictorial sections,
including one titled "The Colt Empire and Nook Farm," plus a bibliography
and index.

Amazon link for this book:

FICTION - the following notice was written by R. Kent Rasmussen:

_The Resurrection of Samuel Clemens_ by Clay Shannon. Softcover. 219 pages.
Booksurge, 2001. ISBN 1588985997. $21.25. Largely philosophical treatise
set in a utopian future in which Clemens is brought back to resume his
life, surrounded by his resurrected relatives. A literate and thoughtful
discourse on Clemens by a writer well versed in Clemens's life and works.

Amazon link for this book:

Barbara Schmidt
Book Review Editor