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Mark Twain Forum


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"IDC, PKO3-1/27D, Pole 27-C, 223-3283"
Wed, 1 Jul 1992 07:43:22 PDT
text/plain (14 lines)
        And do not forget that Twain was born the year that Comet Halley
    made one of its famous returns to the vicinity of Earth in 1835, and
    died when it came back 75 years later in 1910, as he thought he would.

        Does this mean that another author on the level of Mark Twain was
    born in 1986 and we are now awaiting his emergence? :^)  At least he
    will live to see the year 2061.

        Does anyone have a list and brief description of the works that
    Twain wrote regarding astronomy and cosmological thought?

        Larry Klaes
        EJASA Editor, Astronomical Society of the Atlantic