Fri, 13 Sep 1996 08:53:40 -0800
I am searching for the source of a quote often attributed to Mark Twain in
water resources circles (especially in the western U.S.):
"Whiskey's for drinking; water's for fighting."
To date I have had no luck in my research, which has included:
- Electronic sources: Search of entire texts of Adventures of Tom Sawyer
and Huckleberry Finn; query of Mark Twain Quotations [Barbara Schmidt];
keyword search using Alta Vista search engine; various quotation
collections (e.g., Michael Moncur's, the Quotation Home Page, etc.)
- Printed sources: Ayres' Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain; visual scan of
Roughing It; sitting-on-the-floor-in-the-stacks search of lots of books on
the library shelves of Oregon State University, Willamette University, and
the Salem, Oregon, Public Library.
I hope I am not mis-using the Forum or trying the patience of its members
by asking for assistance in nailing down the source of the quote. Thanks in
advance for any help.
Rick Bastasch
Salem, Oregon