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Sender: Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 10:37:21 -0500
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Thanks for posting that note about Cyril's letters, etc. begin at
St. Louis Univ.  I was under the impression that most of Cyril's
collection had been acquired by the Mark Twain Memorial at
Hartford, CT.  I note that there are a number of outgoing letters
written by SLC that are listed in the Union Catalog of
Letters -- with the only documented source of text as being
published in a couple of Cyril's books. It would be interesting
to see if St. Louis might hold photocopies of those original
outgoing letters from Cyril's files.  He frequently edited those
outgoing letters before he published them in a way to protect Twain's
image.  If it is possible to get a copy of that listing, please
let me know.  I would be interested to cross checking it with Union
