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Edgar DeJean <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Apr 2010 03:56:15 -0400
text/plain (40 lines)
In 1993 in a used bookstore near the UC Berkeley Campus I held in my  
hand a tiny little book not much bigger than your thumb which the  
dealer claimed to be one of a very small printing - a work of Mark  
Twain.    i believe the dealer and the book were authentic.  
Unfortunately I forget the name of the work.

Ed DeJean

On Apr 29, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Kevin Mac Donnell wrote:

> Here's a simple contest open to all members of the Forum with the  
> exception of anyone who was present on a certain wine-tasting  
> excursion in upstate NY last week, where I first posed this question.
> The prize is a pristine first edition copy of WHO IS MARK TWAIN?  
> edited by Bob Hirst.
> How to win? Be the first to post the correct answer (in my sole  
> opinion) to this question:
> What is Mark Twain's shortest published work?
> Clue: It was first published in a magazine and so far as I know has  
> never been collected in his works.
> More clues will follow if needed...
> Kevin
> @
> Mac Donnell Rare Books
> 9307 Glenlake Drive
> Austin TX 78730
> 512-345-4139
> Member: ABAA, ILAB
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