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Richard Reineccius <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:13:07 +0200
text/plain (16 lines)
I guess I started this whole thing by mentioning that Ms. Goldberg, like
Twain, got her first
step to stardom in San Francisco (and Berkeley), not in San Diego (a very
different place), as
the Associated Press and Herald Tribune had printed.

The Sammies came up as an idea:  I'm going to go back through the
suggestions to get a count on
just how many nominees are white males (most), and ask if this is a
reflectioon on the academic
community, the Twain reading community, or the general public, in viewing
who is funny and/or

Richard Reineccius (San Franciscan/Minnesotan - viewing from Poland)