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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Andrew J Hoffman <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Sep 1996 09:21:51 EDT
Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (14 lines)
You know, now that I think of it I am not sure if they were brothers or a
father-son team.  The Ponds, who ran the North American portion of the
tour, were brothers; I know I have the information on the Australian
agents somewhere, and I am sure Miriam Schillingsburg's book has that,
but I don't feel like running upstairs to retrieve it just now.  In
another few days I will know this again, because I am just now going over
the copy edited manuscript of the biography, which -- if all goes well --
will be published next March.  It is amazing all the stuff I knew when I
was writing this book, and have since forgotten.  Every time I cut a
sentence out of _Inventing Mark Twain_ I worry that some information will
be lost forever . . .

Andy Hoffman