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Robert E Stewart <[log in to unmask]>
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Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Jun 2012 21:46:15 -0400
text/plain (19 lines)
The misunderstandings relative to videotaping Thursday  evening's Mark 
Twain at Lake Tahoe in 1861 debate have been resolved. This is  the evening when 
David Antonucci and Robert Stewart debate the location of the  Clemens 
timber claim and campsite at the Lake, which is the subject of two  chapters in 
Roughing It. The debate will occur on the grounds of the  Gatekeeper's House 
Museum in Tahoe City on Thursday, June 21.
The videotaping of the debate will be done by an independent  contractor 
who has been encouraged, but not contracted, by KNPB, the University  of 
Nevada television station in Reno which shows PBS broadcasting. Footage from  the 
debate evening may or may not be included in the documentary, a  decision 
to be made by the videographers and editors.
There is consideration by the independent videographers  of videotaping the 
entire program, which is expected to last about one  hour, to produce a 
program for use by the Museum.
Robert E. Stewart