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Mon, 8 Mar 2004 07:05:43 -0800
OK, now I'm going to reveal myself for the rock-n-roll junkie that I truly am (or used to be).
There is another song with a Tom Sawyer connection. The Good Rats recorded a song called "Injun Joe" a number of years back. I think it was on the album "Tasty." Not much direct connection to TS. But hey, we just need to find one more song and then we call call radio station request lines and ask for a Mark Twain block!
I also stand proudly by my mouth feel comment. Try this on for size:
"Today's Huckleberry Finn he gets high on you,
And the space he invades he gets by on you."
Hmmm. Then again, that has a nice ring to it....
Mary Leah Christmas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I "third" Bob Slotta's motion re Rush's "Tom Sawyer," which I have long
considered my fave rock anthem of all time--and yes, especially at full
volume. Sitting in a parking lot while listening to it on the car radio,
passers-by think I'm having spontaneous whiplash.
Re Scott Dalrymple's "Huckleberry Finn" and "mouth feel." Um, uh, well, er,
that sounds like new subject-matter for a speech at the Stomach Club, on the
"Science of Song Lyrics." Apologies for the indelicacy, but that's what it
sounds like. Am now trying to remove the imagery from my mind by passing it
along. (Punch, brothers, punch!)
Mary Leah Christmas
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