Mon, 15 Mar 2004 11:40:42 EST
I have been doing a one-man show on Mark Twain since 1996, and have learned
over the course of time that there seems to be a plethora of other Twain
impersonators (many of whom having links with this list and some of whom who do
not). Is there much work available for Twain impersonators you ask. Well, not
much. Mr. Holbrook enjoys the distinction of being the best (and deservedly so,
I'm sure. I have seen him four times..over four four different
venues..and have been overwhelmed each time. The man is a genius! I have not
seen Mike Randall, but I hear he is very good. I have seen others...out of
curiosity..and can only say I left each performance feeling validated about my
own work.)
Of course there were Twain "impersonators" in Twain's day. It would probably
be more accurate to call them "imposters" than "impersonators." (He
certainly did.)
Good luck with your endeavors...whatever they are.
Richard R. Salassi
"A Visit with Mark Twain!"