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Rivka Swenson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mark Twain Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Mar 1998 12:50:18 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (74 lines)
Uh-huh, yep, and I'm one of those who has a right to my opinions as well
as anyone else.  Again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone.  Perhaps instead
of the word "scholarly" in my email to which you responded, Sue, I should
have used the word "responsibly."  Kneejerk responses are always going to
offend someone.  I was bothered by a response, you were bothered by mine,
and I was bothered by yours.  I've already apologized.  That's
all.  Personal responses?  Yeah, I've gotten those,
too.  Don't be so pious, you say? Sure. May we all heed that commandment.
Up with the open forum, down with antagonism.



On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Sue Harris wrote:

> My message was not in regard to Gary Henrickson's comments.  He has a
> right
> to his opinions as well as anyone else.
> I would be very happy to read what "anyone" has to say about all of the
> subjects that you mentioned in your message.  They all sound like they
> could be intriguing.
> And just for everyone's information, I have had personal responses from
> others who feel as I do.  If my message eliminates this type of feeling
> from others and they decide that what they have to say is worth saying,
> then I am content that I did, indeed, send it to the forum because then
> those "others" may contribute.
> Thank you for listening.
> Sue J. Harris
> Secretary for Career Development and Fine Arts
> Elmira City School District
> "Live Life To the Fullest Everyday"
> On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Mark Coburn wrote:
> > Regarding Sue Harris's last message, surely this forum does NOT at all
> > exist purely for academic exchange.  If that were the case, there would
> > not be so many postings like 'don't
> > miss what some tv show is doing on Twain tonight.'
> >
> > It would be a shame, I think, if anyone with an interest in Twain felt
> > unwelcome or belittled on this forum.
> >
> > But I am also VERY sympathetic with Gary Henrickson's comment that maybe
> > we've had enough for awhile on "nigger" in Adventures of Huckeberry
> > Finn.
> >
> > The recent Oxford Twain edition includes 29 volumes, and is far from
> > being complete....  So how about anti-Paiute bias in Roughing It and
> > Twain's letters from Nevada for a change?  Or anti-Catholicism in
> > Connecticut Yankee?  Or Twain's assaults on the jury system in God knows
> > how many works?  Or "The Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut" as
> > a foreshadowing of Twain's late writings?  Or his handling of twinship
> > and switched identites?  Or cross-dressing in Huckleberry Finn?  Or the
> > hodgepodge of styles in A Tramp Abroad?  Or how much he did and didn't
> > recycle material from book to book?  Or the possible influence of
> > Pudd'nhead Wilson on Faulkner's Light in August?  Or the use of
> > Southwest humor in Joan of Arc?
> >
> > Yeah, Gary, we might possibly find something else to talk about.
> >
> > Yeah, Sue, it's your forum too.
> >
> > Regards to all,
> > Mark Coburn
> > [log in to unmask]
> >